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Reconstructing the Plinian and co-ignimbrite sources of large volcanic eruptions: a novel approach for the Campanian Ignimbrite

机译:重建plinian和大火山爆发的共同点火源:Campanian Ignimbrite的新方法



The 39 ka Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) super-eruption was the largest volcanic eruption of the past 200 ka in Europe. Tephra deposits indicate two distinct plume forming phases, Plinian and co-ignimbrite, characteristic of many caldera-forming eruptions. Previous numerical studies have characterized the eruption as a single-phase event, potentially leading to inaccurate assessment of eruption dynamics. To reconstruct the volume, intensity, and duration of the tephra dispersal, we applied a computational inversion method that explicitly accounts for the Plinian and co-ignimbrite phases and for gravitational spreading of the umbrella cloud. To verify the consistency of our results, we performed an additional single-phase inversion using an independent thickness dataset. Our better-fitting two-phase model suggests a higher mass eruption rate than previous studies, and estimates that 3/4 of the total fallout volume is co-ignimbrite in origin. Gravitational spreading of the umbrella cloud dominates tephra transport only within the first hundred kilometres due to strong stratospheric winds in our best-fit wind model. Finally, tephra fallout impacts would have interrupted the westward migration of modern hominid groups in Europe, possibly supporting the hypothesis of prolonged Neanderthal survival in South-Western Europe during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition.
机译:39 ka坎帕尼亚Ignimbrite(CI)超级喷发是过去200 ka在欧洲最大的火山喷发。 Tephra沉积物指示了两个不同的羽状流形成阶段,即Plinian和共着火岩,这是许多火山口形成喷发的特征。以前的数值研究已将喷发定性为单相事件,可能导致对喷发动力学的评估不准确。为了重建特菲拉扩散的量,强度和持续时间,我们应用了一种计算反演方法,该方法明确考虑了普林尼期和共着火相以及伞云的重力扩散。为了验证我们的结果的一致性,我们使用独立的厚度数据集执行了附加的单相反演。我们更适合的两相模型表明,相比以前的研究,火山喷发率更高,并且估计总尘埃量的3/4是起源于共点火的。在我们最适合的风模型中,由于强平流层的强风作用,伞云的引力扩散仅在头百公里之内控制着特非拉的运输。最后,铁弗拉尘埃的影响会中断欧洲现代原始人群体的西移,这可能支持假说在中石器时代到上旧石器时代过渡期间在西南欧的尼安德特人生存时间延长的假说。



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