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Usability and Reliability of Smart Glasses for Secondary Triage During Mass Casualty Incidents




Wearable smart glasses like Google Glass provide real-time video and image transmission to remote viewers. The use of Google Glass and other Augmented Reality (AR) platforms in mass casualty incidents (MCIs) can provide incident commanders and physicians at receiving hospitals real-time data regarding injuries sustained by victims at the scene. This real-time data is critical to allocation of hospital resources prior to receiving victims of a MCI. Remote physician participation in real-time MCI care prior to victims’ hospital arrival may improve triage, and direct emergency and critical care services to those most in need. We report the use of Google Glass among first responders to transmit real-time data from a simulated MCI to allow remote physicians to complete augmented secondary triage.
机译:可穿戴式智能眼镜(例如Google Glass)可为远程观看者提供实时视频和图像传输。在大规模人员伤亡事件(MCI)中使用Google Glass和其他增强现实(AR)平台可以为事故指挥官和医生提供接收医院现场有关受害者现场受伤情况的实时数据。此实时数据对于在接收MCI受害者之前分配医院资源至关重要。在受害人到达医院之前,远程医师参与实时MCI护理可以改善分诊,并为最需要的人提供急诊和重症监护服务。我们报告了在第一响应者中使用Google Glass来传输来自模拟MCI的实时数据,以允许远程医生完成增强的二级分类。



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