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Oregon AgrAbility: Developing Infrastructure for a Statewide Agricultural Assistance Project




Approximately 200,000 farm injuries occur annually with 65% of these acquired by owners, operators, or family members. These estimates do not include cumulative trauma, such as arthritis, that impair farmers and ranchers’ function and agricultural production. AgrAbility, a project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), aims to support the agricultural lifestyle and production of farmers and ranchers impacted by disability (AgrAbility, n.d.; Goodwill Industries, 2009). AgrAbility seeks to improve quality of life and ensure continued production for those involved in agriculture via three main objectives:1. Improve or develop “service capacity” through education related to technology, resources, and health.2. Network with local agencies and organizations to ensure access to resources and information.3. Provide direct services to farmers and ranchers with disabilities (AgrAbility, n.d.).Authorized in the 1990 Farm Bill, AgrAbility projects consist of collaboration with a non-profit disability service organization and the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services (CSREES) at a land-grant university. Two branches comprise AgrAbility: the National AgrAbility Project (NAP) and State/Regional Projects (SRAPs). NAP currently operates from Purdue University Breaking New Ground Center in a partnership with Goodwill Industries International. It provides education and resources for SRAPs. SRAPs engage in networking, direct services, and education locally (Goodwill Industries International, 2009). Eight SRAPs and the NAP were established in 1991. Currently, 22 AgrAbility SRAPs operate with USDA funding (AgrAbility, n.d.).In 2008, Mr. Eric Olson, Project Coordinator at Goodwill Industries International, and Dr. Nancy Krusen, OTR/L, Associate Professor at Pacific University School of Occupational Therapy, connected to initiate an AgrAbility project in Oregon. Shari Juhasz and Elizabeth Scanlon, both third-year students in the School of Occupational Therapy, joined the effort in January 2010 to complete their Innovative Practice Project. From January to May 2010, Elizabeth and Shari determined the priority for the project was USDA funding application in 2011. The long-term vision of for Oregon AgrAbility is to establish a self-sustaining ArgAbility project. Although Oregon is an agriculture-rich state, unmet service needs are not documented. Additionally, the Oregon AgrAbility project stakeholders shared a loose network without a formalized plan of action.Shari and Elizabeth focused on several areas: infrastructure development, networking and education, and needs assessment. The related documents are included in their Innovative Practice Project. Through collaboration with Laura Dimmler, PhD(c), MPA, the students determined the appropriate means to address infrastructure development. A logic model and gantt chart outline necessary actions for project stakeholders as well as the time frame in which these should be completed. These documents are standard for obtaining federal grants. Shari and Elizabeth collaborated with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselors, Pennie Hartley and Renee Smith, to determine the most efficient ways of educating other VR personnel about AgrAbility. Elizabeth and Shari created the Service Provider Survey to be distributed to VR and other service providers as an education and needs assessment tool. Elizabeth and Shari communicated with multiple service providers to include them in project planning.Oregon AgrAbility gained momentum and includes several additional stakeholders who see a need for the project. Future actions for AgrAbility include those outlined in the Logic Model. Jill Peacock, OTS was selected as the recipient of a stipend from Goodwill Industries to attend the National AgrAbility Professional In-Service Training. Her subsequent role is to support communication between stakeholders and assist in the coordination of their actions. Shari and Elizabeth envision that Oregon AgrAbility will be a visible and valuable resource within the state of Oregon.
机译:每年大约发生20万例农场伤害,其中65%由所有者,经营者或家庭成员获得。这些估计值不包括会损害农民和牧场主功能以及农业生产的累积性创伤,例如关节炎。 AgrAbility是由美国农业部(USDA)资助的一个项目,旨在支持农业生活方式以及受残障影响的农民和牧场主的生产(AgrAbility,编号; Goodwill Industries,2009)。 AgrAbility力求通过三个主要目标来提高生活质量并确保从事农业的人们持续生产:1。通过与技术,资源和健康有关的教育来提高或发展“服务能力”。2。与当地机构和组织建立网络以确保获得资源和信息3。向残疾农民和牧场主提供直接服务(AgrAbility,nd)。AgrAbility项目由1990年的《农业法案》授权,包括与非营利性残疾服务组织以及州立研究,教育和推广服务合作组织(CSREES)的合作赠地大学。可扩展性由两个部门组成:国家可扩展性项目(NAP)和州/地区项目(SRAP)。 NAP目前与美国Goodwill Industries International合作,在普渡大学破土动工中心开展业务。它为SRAP提供教育和资源。 SRAP在本地从事网络,直接服务和教育(Goodwill Industries International,2009)。 1991年建立了8个SRAP和NAP。目前,有22个ASRASRAP在USDA的资助下运作(AgrAbility,nd)。2008年,Goodwill Industries International项目协调员Eric Olson先生和OTR / L的Nancy Krusen博士,太平洋大学职业治疗学院副教授联系起来,在俄勒冈州发起了一项能力计划。职业治疗学院的三年级学生Shari Juhasz和Elizabeth Scanlon于2010年1月加入了这项工作,以完成他们的创新实践项目。从2010年1月至2010年5月,伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)和莎莉(Shari)确定该项目的优先事项是在2011年申请美国农业部(USDA)资助。俄勒冈州AgrAbility的长期愿景是建立一个自我维持的ArgAbility项目。尽管俄勒冈州是一个农业富饶的州,但未记录未满足的服务需求。此外,俄勒冈州AgrAbility项目的利益相关者共享了一个松散的网络,而没有正式的行动计划.Shari和Elizabeth专注于几个领域:基础设施开发,网络和教育以及需求评估。相关文件包含在其“创新实践项目”中。通过与MPA博士Laura Dimmler的合作,学生们确定了解决基础设施开发的适当方法。逻辑模型和甘特图概述了项目利益相关者的必要行动以及完成这些行动的时间范围。这些文件是获得联邦赠款的标准。莎莉(Shari)和伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)与职业康复(VR)顾问Pennie Hartley和Renee Smith合作,以确定最有效的方法来教育其他VR员工有关AgrAbility的知识。 Elizabeth和Shari创建了“服务提供商调查”,作为教育和需求评估工具分发给VR和其他服务提供商。 Elizabeth和Shari与多家服务提供商进行了沟通,以将其纳入项目计划。未来针对AgrAbility的行动包括逻辑模型中概述的行动。 OTS的吉尔·皮科克(Jill Peacock)被选为Goodwill Industries的助学金的接受者,参加了国家AgrAbility专业在职培训。她的后续职责是支持利益相关者之间的沟通并协助协调他们的行动。莎莉(Shari)和伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)设想俄勒冈州的可获性将是俄勒冈州内一个可见且有价值的资源。



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