首页> 外文OA文献 >DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/274/EEGauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Austria DRAFT COUNCIL DECISION extending the period of validity of Decision 76/272/EEC authorizing Ireland to take protective measure in respect of footwear with uppers of leather originating in Finland. DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/273/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Iceland DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/ 275/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Norway DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/277/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Sweden DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/276/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Switzerland. COM (77) 1 final, 11 January 1977

DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/274/EEGauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Austria DRAFT COUNCIL DECISION extending the period of validity of Decision 76/272/EEC authorizing Ireland to take protective measure in respect of footwear with uppers of leather originating in Finland. DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/273/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Iceland DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/ 275/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Norway DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/277/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Sweden DRAFT COUNCIL DECISIONextending the period of validity of Decision 76/276/EECauthorizing Ireland to take protective measures in respectof footwear with uppers of leather originating in Switzerland. COM (77) 1 final, 11 January 1977

机译:理事会决定草案延长第76/274 / EEG号决定的有效期授权爱尔兰采取保护措施皮革鞋面起源于奥地利的鞋类理事会决定草案延长了第76/272 / EEC号决定的有效期,授权爱尔兰对源自芬兰的皮革鞋面采取保护措施。 理事会决定草案延长第76/273 / EEC号决定的有效期授权爱尔兰采取保护措施皮革鞋面起源于冰岛的鞋类理事会决定草案延长第76/275 / EEC号决定的有效期授权爱尔兰采取保护措施皮革鞋面起源于挪威的鞋类理事会决定草案延长第76/277 / EEC号决定的有效期授权爱尔兰采取保护措施皮革鞋面起源于瑞典的鞋类理事会决定草案延长第76/276号/ EEC号决定的有效期授权爱尔兰采取保护措施皮革鞋面起源于瑞士的鞋类。 COm(77)1决赛,1977年1月11日



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