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Milankovitch cyclicity and sea-level change in the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene interval: evidence for rapid and extensive Antarctic glaciation at 33.5 Ma? (abstract of paper presented at EUG XI, Strasbourg, France, 8-12 April 2001)

机译:晚始新世 - 早渐新世地区的米兰科维奇周期性和海平面变化:33.5 ma的快速和广泛的南极冰川作用的证据? (2001年4月8日至12日在法国斯特拉斯堡EUG XI提交的论文摘要)



We have studied an expanded succession of coastal marine,estuarine and lacustrine sediments of Late Eocene-EarlyOligocene age in the Isle of Wight southern England. In thissuccession, a strong Milankovitch signal (406, 100, 40 andweaker 20Ka) is recorded from the relative abundance ofneoformed illite and illite-smectite, which formed in soilsby seasonal wetting and drying. The orbital timescale iscalibrated using magnetostratigraphic, and to a lesserextent, biostratigraphic data. Combined orbital calibrationand sequence stratigraphic analysis allows us to identify themajor control on sea-level as the 406Ka long eccentricitycycle, which caused sea-level to fluctuate by 10-15 m.These values have been determined from the amount ofincision at observed at sequence boundaries on a regionalscale. Minor sea-level changes of 1-3 m were controlled byobliquity. The position of the Early Oligocene heavy ?18Oevent can be inferred in the Isle of Wight from its magnetostratigraphicproxy (base of chron 13n). We have determinedthe sea-level fall at this level to be approximately12 m, close in magnitude to drops associated with thepreceding 3 Late Eocene 406 Ka sequences. This evidencedoes not support recent estimates of a 50-90 m sea-level fallwithin the Early Oligocene based on the calculation that asignificant part of the oxygen isotope event was caused byrapid Antarctic ice buildup. Rather, orbitally driven sealevelchanges throughout the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene,although probably glacioeustatic in origin, remained ofsimilar magnitude.
机译:我们研究了英格兰南部怀特岛晚始新世-早渐新世晚期沿海海洋,河口和湖相沉积物的扩展演替。在此过程中,从新形成的伊利石和伊利石-蒙脱石的相对丰度中记录到强烈的Milankovitch信号(406、100、40和20Ka变弱),这些信号是通过季节性润湿和干燥在土壤中形成的。使用磁地层学和较小范围的生物地层学数据校准轨道时标。结合轨道定标和层序地层分析,我们可以确定主要的海平面控制为406Ka长的偏心周期,它导致海平面波动10-15 m。这些值是根据在层序边界处观测到的切入量确定的区域规模。倾角控制了1-3 m的微小海平面变化。可以从怀特岛的地磁地层学代表(时基13n)推断出早渐新世重18 Oevent的位置。我们已经确定该水平的海平面下降约为12 m,其大小与与之前的3个始新世406 Ka序列有关的下降接近。根据氧同位素事件的重要部分是由快速的南极冰积聚引起的计算得出的,该证据不支持对渐新世初期海平面下降50-90 m的最新估计。尽管始发地可能是冰川恒流,但整个始新世-早渐新世的轨道驱动的海平面变化仍保持着相似的幅度。



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