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The 2012 Emilia seismic sequence (Northern Italy): Imaging the thrust fault system by accurate aftershock location




Starting from late May 2012, the Emilia region (Northern Italy) was severely shaken by an intense seismicsequence, originated from a ML 5.9 earthquake on May 20th, at a hypocentral depth of 6.3 km, with thrusttypefocal mechanism. In the following days, the seismic rate remained high, counting 50 ML ≥ 2.0 earthquakesa day, on average. Seismicity spreads along a 30 km east–west elongated area, in the Po river alluvial plain, in thenearby of the cities Ferrara and Modena. Nine days after the first shock, another destructive thrust-type earthquake(ML 5.8) hit the area to the west, causing further damage and fatalities. Aftershocks following this seconddestructive event extended along the same east-westerly trend for further 20 km to the west, thus illuminatingan area of about 50 km in length, on thewhole. After the first shock struck, on May 20th, a dense network of temporaryseismic stations, in addition to the permanent ones, was deployed in the meizoseismal area, leading to asensible improvement of the earthquake monitoring capability there. A combined dataset, including threecomponentseismic waveforms recorded by both permanent and temporary stations, has been analyzed inorder to obtain an appropriate 1-D velocity model for earthquake location in the study area. Here we describethe main seismological characteristics of this seismic sequence and, relying on refined earthquakes location,we make inferences on the geometry of the thrust system responsible for the two strongest shocks.
机译:从2012年5月下旬开始,意大利北部的艾米利亚(Emilia)地区受到强烈地震序列的严重震动,该地震序列是由5月20日发生的ML 5.9级地震引起的,震中深度为6.3 km,具有推力型震源机制。在随后的几天里,地震发生率仍然很高,平均每天发生50 ML≥2.0地震。在波拉河冲积平原上,地震活动沿着东西向拉长的30 km区域扩散,当时靠近费拉拉和摩德纳。第一次地震发生9天后,又有破坏性的推力型地震(ML 5.8)袭击了该地区以西,进一步造成了人员伤亡。在第二次破坏性事件之后的余震沿着相同的东西向趋势向西延伸了20公里,从而照亮了整个长度约50公里的区域。第一次地震发生后,在5月20日,除了永久性地震台站外,还在临时地震区部署了一个密集的临时地震台网,从而明显改善了该地区的地震监测能力。为了获得研究区域地震定位的合适一维速度模型,已经对包括永久和临时台站记录的三个分量地震波形的组合数据集进行了分析。在这里,我们描述了该地震序列的主要地震学特征,并依靠精确的地震位置,推断了引起两个最大震动的推力系统的几何形状。


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