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Binary partition tree as an efficient representation for image processing, segmentation, and information retrieval



This paper discusses the interest of binary partitionudtrees as a region-oriented image representation. Binary partitionudtrees concentrate in a compact and structured representation a setudof meaningful regions that can be extracted from an image. Theyudoffer a multiscale representation of the image and define a translationudinvariant 2-connectivity rule among regions. As shown in thisudpaper, this representation can be used for a large number of processingudgoals such as filtering, segmentation, information retrievaludand visual browsing. Furthermore, the processing of the tree representationudleads to very efficient algorithms. Finally, for some applications,udit may be interesting to compute the binary partition treeudonce and to store it for subsequent use for various applications. Inudthis context, the last section of the paper will show that the amountudof bits necessary to encode a binary partition tree remains moderate.
机译:本文讨论了将二进制分区 udtrees作为面向区域的图像表示的兴趣。二进制分区 udtrees集中在一个紧凑的结构化表示中,可以从图像中提取一组有意义的区域。他们提供图像的多尺度表示,并定义区域之间的平移 /不变量2-连通性规则。如此 udpaper中所示,此表示形式可用于大量处理 udgoal,例如过滤,分段,信息检索 ud和可视浏览。此外,树表示的处理导致非常有效的算法。最后,对于某些应用程序,计算二进制分区树并将其存储以供各种应用程序随后使用可能会很有趣。在这种情况下,本文的最后一部分将显示对二进制分区树进行编码所需的udof位数量仍然适中。



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