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Paleoenvironmental dynamics of Western Beringia - New studies from the Yedoma key site Duvanny Yar (Lower Kolyma River, Siberia)

机译:西部白令海的古环境动力学 - 来自Yedoma关键遗址Duvanny Yar(下科里马河,西伯利亚)的新研究



Duvanny Yar is a stratigraphic key site for the late Quaternary in Western Beringia. It is characteristic for ice-rich permafrost sequences in north-east Siberia, known as of the Yedoma Suite (e.g. KAPLINA et al. 1978; Sher et al. 1979) and is an important reference site for the late Pleistocene history of Beringia (HOPKINS 1982). The aim of our study was to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental dynamics at the Duvanny Yar site during the late Quaternary using its terrestrial archive. A multidisciplinary approach using geocryological, geo-chronological, sedimentological, hydro-chemical, isotope geochemical, and paleoecological methods was applied to obtain multiproxy records. Sediment samples were analysed for ice contents, grain size parameters, biogeochemistry (total carbon, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, stable carbon isotopes), mineral density, mass specific magnetic susceptibility, and for radiocarbon age. Stable isotopes of water were measured for ground ice (ice wedges, segregated ice, and pore ice), modern surface waters and modern precipitation.Six profiles along the riverbank were sampled in August 2008. They contained Eemian lacustrine deposits, long sequences of Ice Complex deposits of the Late Pleistocene Yedoma, Holocene lacustrine and boggy deposits in thermokarst depressions. All profiles showed very bad sorted sediment of fine to coarse silt. A homogenous and polymodal grain size distribution for the ice rich (~ 30 to 60 wt %) Yedoma Suite revealed a polygenetic origin and disproves the pure arctic loess hypothesis for these deposits. Measurements of bulk density, ice content and total organic carbon content (TOC) enable for a relative TOC content in Ice Complex deposits at Duvanny Yar. The mean value of organic carbon at Duvanny Yar is 16 ± 11 kg/m³. Geochronological results based on 8 new AMS ages revealed that the Yedoma Suite was continuously formed from the end of the Middle Weichselian (~ 40000 years BP) and at least until the Late Glacial Maximum (~ 20000 years BP). Stable water isotopes measured in ice wedges, segregated ice and ice lenses were used to estimate paleotemperature changes. Isotopic signals revealed cold temperatures for the whole period with relative warm peaks in the Eemian and Holocene times. During Yedoma Suite formation the climate was stable and cold. A better understanding of the paleoenvironmental dynamics at Duvanny Yar may provide a basis for more reliable predictions of future reaction on global warming of organic-bearing ice-rich permafrost in Siberia which is considered as a potential greenhouse gas source permafrost (DUTTA et al. 2006; ZIMOV et al. 2006).LiteratureDUTTA, K., SCHUUR, E.A.G., NEFF, J.C. AND ZIMOV, S.A. (2006). "Potential carbon release from permafrost soils of Northeastern Siberia", Global Change Biology 12(12): 2336-2351.HOPKINS, D.M. (1982). Aspects of the paleogeography of Beringia during the Late Pleistocene. In: Paleoecology of Beringia. Hopkins, D. M., Matthews, J. V., Schweger, C. E. and Young, S. B., Academic Press: 3-28.KAPLINA, T.N., GITERMAN, R.E., LAKHTINA, O.V., ABRASHOV, B.A., KISELYOV, S.V. AND SHER, A.V. (1978). "Duvannyy Yar - a key section of Upper Pleistocene deposits of the Kolyma lowland", Bulletin of Quaternary Research Commission 48: 4965. (in Russian)SHER, A.V., KAPLINA, T.N., GITERMAN, R.E., LOZHKIN, A.V., ARKHANGELOV, A.A., KISELYOV, S.V., KOUZNETSOV, Y.V., VIRINA, E.I. AND ZAZHIGIN, V.S. (1979). Late Cenozoic of the Kolyma Lowland. 14th Pacific Science Congress, Khabarovsk, Academy of Science, USSR.ZIMOV, S.A., DAVYDOV, S.P., ZIMOVA, G.M., DAVYDOVA, A.I., SCHUUR, E.A.G., DUTTA, K. AND CHAPIN III, F.S. (2006). "Permafrost carbon: Stock and decomposability of a globally significant carbon pool", Geophysical Research Letters 33(20): L20502.
机译:杜凡尼亚尔(Duvanny Yar)是晚白垩世西部第四纪的地层关键地点。它是西伯利亚东北部富含冰的多年冻土层序列的特征,被称为Yedoma Suite(例如,KAPLINA等,1978; Sher等,1979),并且是白令西亚更新世晚期历史的重要参考点(HOPKINS) 1982)。我们研究的目的是利用第四纪后期的陆相档案资料重建杜凡尼亚尔遗址的古环境动力学。多学科方法使用地质学,地质年代学,沉积学,水化学,同位素地球化学和古生态方法获得多代理记录。分析了沉积物样品的冰含量,粒度参数,生物地球化学(总碳,总有机碳,总氮,稳定碳同位素),矿物质密度,质量比磁化率以及放射性碳年龄。测量了地冰(楔冰,偏冰和孔隙冰),现代地表水和现代降水的稳定同位素水。2008年8月对沿河岸的六个剖面进行了采样。这些剖面包括艾美期湖相沉积物,长序列的复杂冰层晚更新世Yedoma,全新世湖相的沉积物和热岩溶洼地的沼泽沉积物。所有剖面均显示出从极细颗粒到粗颗粒粉尘的分类不良。富含冰(约30至60 wt%)的Yedoma Suite的均质和多峰粒度分布揭示了多成因起源,并证明了这些沉积物的纯北极黄土假说。通过测量堆积密度,冰含量和总有机碳含量(TOC),可以得出Duvanny Yar的Ice Complex沉积物中的相对TOC含量。 Duvanny Yar的有机碳平均值为16±11 kg /m³。基于8个新的AMS年龄的地质年代学结果显示,从中Weichselian末期(〜40000年BP)到至少冰川晚期最大值(〜20000年BP)之前,Yedoma Suite是连续形成的。在冰楔,分离的冰和冰晶中测量到的稳定水同位素用于估计古温度变化。同位素信号揭示了整个时期的低温,在Eemian和全新世时期具有相对温暖的峰值。 Yedoma Suite形成期间,气候稳定而寒冷。更好地了解Duvanny Yar的古环境动力学,可以为更可靠地预测未来对西伯利亚含有机冰的多年冻土的全球变暖的反应提供可靠的基础,而西伯利亚被认为是潜在的温室气体源多年冻土(DUTTA等,2006)。 ; ZIMOV等人,2006年)。文献:DUTTA,K.,SCHUUR,EAG,NEFF,JC和ZIMOV,SA(2006年)。 “从西伯利亚东北部多年冻土的潜在碳释放”,全球变化生物学12(12):2336-2351.HOPKINS,D.M. (1982)。晚更新世期间白令的古地理方面。在:白令的古生态。霍普金斯D.M.,马修斯J.V.,施韦格C.E.和Young S.B.,学术出版社:3-28。卡普林娜,田纳西州,吉特曼,R.E。,拉基蒂纳,O.V。,阿布拉索夫,BA。,基瑟列夫,S.V。和谢尔(1978)。 “ Duvannyy Yar-科利马低地上更新世沉积的重要部分”,第四纪研究委员会公报,第48期:4965。(俄语)SHER,AV,KAPLINA,TN,GITERMAN,RE,LOZHKIN,AV,ARKHANGELOV,AA, KISELYOV,SV,KOUZNETSOV,YV,VIRINA,EI和ZAZHIGIN,V.S. (1979)。科利马低地的晚新生代。第14届太平洋科学大会在苏联科学院哈巴罗夫斯克市ZIMOV,S.A.,DAVYDOV,S.P.,ZIMOVA,G.M.,DAVYDOVA,A.I.,SCHUUR,E.A.G.,DUTTA,K.和CHAPIN III,F.S. (2006)。 “多年冻土碳:全球重要碳库的存量和可分解性”,地球物理研究快报33(20):L20502。



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