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Trend of Perovskite Solar Cells: Dig Deeper to Build Higher



Using solar energy efficiently to produce electricity has been the subject of intensive research because of the rapid increase of global energy demand and the need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from electricity generation by fossil fuels. Breakthroughs are needed to produce low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells with good durability. Organic − inorganic hybrid halide perovskites (e.g., CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 or MAPbI 3 ) have rapidly become a focal point of the photovoltaic (PV) community as a promising next-generation PV technol- ogy. The certified efficiency of a single-junction perovskite solar cell (PSC) has reached 20.1% after only a few years of active research. Despite this remarkable progress, many fundamental questions still remain that need to be addressed at both the material and device levels. During the 2015 Material Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting (April 6 − 10, 2015, San Francisco, CA), hundreds of scientists and engineers gathered at Symposium C − Perovskite Solar Cells  to discuss recent progress, challenges, and future directions for PSCs. 1 This symposium, which lasted for 4 days (April 7 − 10), hosted about 75 talks and 75 posters. Four posters were selected for the Symposium ’ s Best Poster Awards (Ahn C3.04, Kaltenbrumer C3.25, Yu C10.10, and Bokdam C10.33). The enormous success of this symposium is re fl ecting the growing number of research groups interested in PSCs, clearly highlighting the consolidation of this new technology. In this Guest Commentary, we summarize -based on the presentations and discussions at the symposium -our views on the recent trend and various issues that researchers have been studying to continue the successful development of PSCs.
机译:由于全球能源需求的快速增长以及减少化石燃料发电产生的温室气体排放的需要,有效利用太阳能发电已成为广泛研究的课题。需要突破以生产具有良好耐久性的低成本,高效率的太阳能电池。有机-无机杂化卤化物钙钛矿(例如CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3或MAPbI 3)已迅速成为光伏(PV)社区的焦点,成为有前途的下一代PV技术。经过短短几年的积极研究,单结钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSC)的认证效率已达到20.1%。尽管取得了令人瞩目的进步,但仍然存在许多基本问题,需要在材料和器件两个层面上加以解决。在2015年材料研究学会(MRS)春季会议(2015年4月6日至10日,加利福尼亚州旧金山)期间,数百名科学家和工程师聚集在Symposium C −钙钛矿太阳能电池Sym上,讨论了该材料的最新进展,挑战和未来方向PSC。 1本次研讨会为期4天(4月7日至10日),主持了约75场演讲和75幅海报。此次研讨会的最佳海报奖评选了四位海报(Ahn C3.04,Kaltenbrumer C3.25,Yu C10.10和Bokdam C10.33)。这次研讨会的巨大成功反映出越来越多的研究人员对PSC感兴趣,这显然突出了这项新技术的整合。在本嘉宾评论中,我们基于研讨会上的介绍和讨论,总结了我们对近期趋势以及研究人员为继续成功开发PSC所研究的各种问题的看法。



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