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Bank debt and market debt: an empirical analysis for Spanish firms




This paper examines the effect on the firm's banking cost of the issue of debt securities. We argue over the existence of a positive relationship between the issue of market debt and the reduction of firm's banking cost. This idea relies on three main arguments: i) Banks can delegate to investors the supervision task, a feature that makes bank supervision less costly. ii) The issue of public debt increases firms' bargaining power in front of the banks, as the former can get funds through non-bank financing ch annels. iii) Banks with no prior information on the issuing firm may interpret the issue of debt securities as a positive signal of firm's quality. Additionally, we argue that the previous effects are less important for non-first issues and are sensible to the maturity of the bond issued. We empirically test these and other related theoretical results making use of a database of Spanish non-financial firms during the 1993-1998 period. We find empirical support for our theoretical contentions.
机译:本文考察了发行债务证券对公司银行成本的影响。我们认为,市场债务问题与企业银行成本降低之间存在正相关关系。这个想法基于三个主要论点:i)银行可以将监管任务委托给投资者,这使银行监管的成本降低了。 ii)公共债务的发行增加了企业在银行面前的议价能力,因为前者可以通过非银行融资渠道获得资金。 iii)事先没有发行公司信息的银行可以将发行债务证券解释为公司质量的积极信号。此外,我们认为,先前的影响对非首发债券而言并不重要,并且对已发行债券的到期日较为敏感。我们使用1993-1998年期间西班牙非金融公司的数据库对这些及其他相关理论结果进行经验检验。我们为我们的理论论点找到了经验支持。



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