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Derivation of base-line geochemistry, petrography, and isotopic data for the host rocks to the Lucky Strike deposit and comparison with data from other alteration zones, Buchans Mining Camp, Newfoundland

机译:将主岩的基线地球化学,岩相学和同位素数据推导到Lucky strike矿床,并与其他蚀变带的数据进行比较,Buchans mining Camp,Newfoundland



The Buchans ore bodies of central Newfoundland represent some of the highestudgrade VMS deposits ever mined. These Kuroko-type deposits are also known for the welluddeveloped and preserved nature of the mechanically transported deposits. The depositsudare hosted in Cambro-Ordovician, dominantly calc-alkaline, bimodal volcanic andudepiclastic sequences of the Notre Dame Subzone, Newfoundland Appalachians.udStratigraphic relationships in this zone are complicated by extensively developed, brittledominatedudSilurian thrust faulting.udHydrothermal alteration of host rocks is a common feature of nearly all VMSuddeposits, and the recognition of these zones has been a key exploration tool. Alteration ofudhost rocks has long been described to be spatially associated with the Buchans ore bodies,udmost notably with the larger in-situ deposits. This report represents a base-line study inudwhich a complete documentation of the geochemical variance, in terms of both primaryud(igneous) and alteration effects, is presented from altered volcanic rocks in the vicinity ofudthe Lucky Strike deposit (LSZ), the largest in-situ deposit in the Buchans camp.udPackages of altered rocks also occur away from the immediate mining areas andudconstitute new targets for exploration. These zones, identified mostly by recent andudprevious drilling, represent untested targets and include the Powerhouse (PHZ),udWoodmans Brook (WBZ) and Airport (APZ) alteration zones, as well as the MiddleudBranch alteration zone (MBZ), which represents a more distal alteration facies related toudBuchans ore-formation. Data from each of these zones were compared to those from theudLSZ in order to evaluate their relative propectivity.udDerived litho geochemical data served two functions: (i) to define primaryud(igneous) trends and (ii) secondary alteration trends. Primary trends were establishedudusing immobile, or conservative, elements (i. e., HFSE, REE, Th, Ti0₂, Al₂0₃, P₂0₅).udFrom these, altered volcanic rocks were interpreted in terms of composition (e.g., basalt -udrhyodacite) and magmatic affinity (e.g., calc-alkaline vs. tholeiitic). The informationudsuggests that bimodality is a common feature of all zones, with most rocks plotting asudeither basalt/andesite or dacite (or rhyodacite); andesitic senso stricto compositions areudrare. Magmatic affinities are more varied and complex, but indicate that all units are arcudvolcanic sequences. Rocks from the LSZ/MBZ represent a transitional to calc-alkalicudsequence, however, a slight shift in key geochemical discriminants occurs between theudfoot-wall to the hanging-wall. Specifically, mafic and felsic lavas of the foot-wall are ofudtransitional (or mildly calc-alkaline) affinity whereas the hanging-wall rocks are relativelyudmore strongly calc-alkaline as indicated by enriched LREE/HREE and higher ZrN, NbNudand other ratios in the latter. The geochemical variations also serve as a means to separateudthe units (at least the felsic rocks) into hanging-wall and foot-wall sequences, thereforeudproviding a valuable exploration tool. Volcanic rocks from the WBZ/PHZ (and probablyudthe APZ) are more typical of tholeiitic to transitional suites, yielding flatter mantlenormalizedudREE patterns and lower ZrN ratios. Thus, the relationships between the immediate mining area (represented by LSZ/MBZ) and the Buchans East (PHZ/WBZ)udand the APZ are uncertain.udHost rocks for all zones consist of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks, though theudproportion of pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks, is greatest at the LSZ. Phenocrystudassemblages and textures are common in all zones, with minor exceptions, and are notuduseful for discrimination purposes. Felsic rocks from all zones are dominated by sericiteclay+/-udsilica alteration, whereas mafic rocks are dominated by chlorite- quartz- sericiteudalteration. Pyrite is ubiquitous in all moderately altered rocks and minor associated baseudmetal sulphides occur locally. The exception is at Lucky Strike, where stockwork quartzveiningudcontains abundant base-metal mineralization and barite. Rocks completelyudcomprised of chlorite (chloritite) also occur in the LSZ foot-wall. In addition, K-feldsparudalteration occurs in felsic volcanic rocks at the MBZ associated with Zn-Pb-Ba and,udnotably, without chlorite. This zone represents a peripheral, but proximal, zone ofudalteration induced by lower temperature hydrothermal fluids, presumably with littleudinfluence from seawater.udAlteration geochemistry was interpreted from raw data as well as from massudbalanced (recalculated) data derived from immobile element pairs. The data from theudLSZ/MBZ indicate a range in the degree of alteration from only minor to severeudmodification of precursor compositions. Ba tends to show a strong positive correlationudwith K₂0, although most Ba occurs as barite. With respect to mass changes, Al₂0₃, Ti0₂udand P₂0₅ were shown to be immobile. Nearly all rocks display mass loss of Na₂O, CaO,udand Sr reflecting feldspar destruction. These trends are usually mirrored by K₂0-Rb andudMgO addition, indicating sericitic and chloritic alteration, respectively. More substantialudgains ofK₂0 often occur in rocks with K-feldspar alteration, whereas a few samples alsouddisplayed excessive MgO enrichment and represent chloritites. Fe₂0₃ indicates bothudchlorite and sulphide formation. Si0₂ addition is almost always the case for the alteredudmafic rocks as silica often infills amygdules and replaces the finer tuffaceous material.udThe felsic rocks display more variability in Si0₂. Silicic, sericitic and chloritic alterationudtrends were observed from the other zones, but not K-feldspar, chloritite, or barite.udMicroprobe analysis of chlorites, sericites and carbonates indicate: (i) sericitesudfrom all zones are defined as muscovite and are not phengitic; (ii) at the LSZ, chloritesudranged from Fe-Mg chlorites (pycnochlorite) to Mg-rich chlorite (penninite), with theudlatter occurring in the stockwork zone and more proximal alteration facies; (iii) chloritesudfrom the WBZ were typical of those from the more distal alteration facies of the LSZ,udplotting as ripidolite to pycnochlorite; (iv) conversely, chlorite from the PHZ plot withudMg-Al-rich compositions (chlinochlore to penninite); and (v) carbonate species from eachudzone are also varied, with calcite occurring in each zone, in addition to dolomite andudankerite in the PHZ and WBZ, respectively.udLead isotope ratios for galena separates from the different various zones, whenudcombined with data from older studies, tend to cluster into four distinctive fields.udOverall, the data plot on a broad mixing line and indicate evolution in a relatively low-μ environment. Data from sulphide stringers in altered MBZ rocks, as well as from clasticudsulphides (Sandfill prospect), plot in the Buchans ore field, as do the data for galena fromudaltered rocks in the APZ. Samples from the Buchans East area are even more primitiveudthan the Buchans ores, with lead from the PHZ plotting with the Connel Option prospectudand data from the WBZ matching that of the Skidder prospect. A sample from a newlyuddiscovered debris flow-type sulphide occurrence (Middle Branch East) yields lead isotopeudratios that are slightly more radiogenic than Buchans and plot with the Mary Marchudalteration zone. Data within each cluster are interpreted to represent derivation fromudindividual hydrothermal systems in which metals were derived from a common source.
机译:纽芬兰中部的布坎斯矿体代表了有史以来开采的最高次品级VMS矿床。这些黑子型矿床也以机械运输的矿床的发达/未开发和保存性质而闻名。纽西兰Notre Dame分区的坎布-奥陶纪,占主导地位的钙-碱性,双峰火山岩和微碎屑岩层中有沉积物胆敢。几乎所有VMS uddeposits的共同特征是基质岩的蚀变,并且对这些区域的识别已成为关键的勘探工具。长期以来, hosthost岩石的蚀变被认为与Buchans矿体在空间上相关,最引人注目的是与较大的原地矿床有关。该报告代表了一项基线研究,其中 Lucky Strike矿床(LSZ)附近的火山岩变化提供了关于原始 ud(火成岩)和蚀变作用的地球化学变化的完整文档。 ),这是布坎斯营地中最大的原地沉积物。 ud包裹的岩石也发生在紧邻采矿区的附近,并且 u构成了新的勘探目标。这些区域主要由最近和以前的钻探所识别,代表未经测试的目标,包括动力厂房(PHZ), udWoodmans Brook(WBZ)和机场(APZ)蚀变区,以及中 udBranch蚀变区(MBZ),这代表了与 udBuchans矿床形成有关的更远侧的蚀变相。为了评估其相对远景性,将每个区域的数据与 udLSZ的数据进行了比较。 ud衍生的岩石地球化学数据具有两个功能:(i)定义主要 ud(火成岩)趋势和(ii)次生蚀变趋势。确定了主要趋势使用了固定的或保守的元素(如HFSE,REE,Th,TiO 2,Al 2 0 +,P 2 0 +)。 ud根据这些成分,根据成分(如玄武岩- rhyhyodacite)解释了改变的火山岩岩浆亲和力(例如,钙碱性与胆碱性)。信息建议双峰性是所有区域的共同特征,大多数岩石以玄武岩/安山岩或菱镁矿(或流纹岩)绘制。安第斯山脉的感官严格成分是 udrare。岩浆的亲和力更加多样且复杂,但是表明所有单位都是弧火山序列。来自LSZ / MBZ的岩石代表了钙碱性 udsequence的过渡,但是,关键的地球化学判别式在 udfoot墙到悬挂墙之间发生了轻微的变化。具体而言,脚底的镁铁质和长英质熔岩具有过渡性(或轻度的钙碱性)亲和力,而上壁岩质则具有相对较高的钙碱度,如富含LREE / HREE和较高的ZrN,NbN 后者中的其他比率。地球化学变化还可以将单元(至少是长英质岩石)分离/划分为上盘和下盘序列,因此可以提供一种有价值的勘探工具。来自WBZ / PHZ(可能还有 udz APZ)的火山岩在典型的变质套件到过渡套件中表现出更平坦的幔归一化 udREE模式和较低的ZrN比。因此,直接采矿区(由LSZ / MBZ表示)与Buchans East(PHZ / WBZ) ud和APZ之间的关系是不确定的。 ud所有区域的宿主岩由镁铁质到长笛质火山岩组成,尽管LSZ的火山碎屑和表层碎屑岩的数量最多。在所有区域中,现象都很普遍,除了少数例外,并且对于辨别目的不是有用的。来自所有地区的长英质岩石主要由浆状矽土/ 石英改变组成,而镁铁质岩石主要由绿泥石-石英-绢云母软化作用为主。黄铁矿在所有中度蚀变的岩石中无处不在,并且少量伴生的贱金属 udmetal硫化物局部发生。幸运罢工除外,该地区的库存石英脉纹 ud包含丰富的贱金属矿化和重晶石。 LSZ底壁中也存在完全由亚氯酸盐(亚氯酸盐)组成的岩石。此外,钾长石溶蚀作用发生在MBZ的长英质火山岩中,与Zn-Pb-Ba有关,而且很明显没有绿泥石。这个区域代表了低温热液引起的外围但近乎不饱和的区域,大概是受海水的影响很小。 ud变化地球化学是从原始数据以及从不动产获得的质量失衡(重新计算)数据中解释的元素对。来自 udLSZ / MBZ的数据表明前体组合物的变化程度仅从轻度变为重度。尽管大多数Ba以重晶石形式存在,但Ba往往表现出与K 2 0的强正相关。关于质量变化,Al 2 O 3,TiO 2,ud和P 20表示不动。几乎所有岩石都显示出Na 2 O,CaO, udand Sr的质量损失,反映了长石的破坏。这些趋势通常可以通过添加K 2 -Rb和 udMgO来反映,分别表明了浆液性和氯性变化。钾长石蚀变的岩石中经常发生较大的K 2 0消减,而一些样品也显示MgO富集过多并代表绿泥石。 Fe 2 0表示次氯酸盐和硫化物的形成。 SiO 2的添加几乎总是发生在改变的 umafic岩中,因为二氧化硅经常填充杏仁核并替代了较细的凝灰质材料。 ud Felic岩在SiO 2中显示出更大的可变性。其他区域观察到硅质,绢云母和绿泥石化蚀变趋势,但钾长石,绿泥石或重晶石未见变化。 ud亚氯酸盐,绢云母和碳酸盐的微探针分析表明:(i)所有区域的绢云母 ud定义为白云母和不显眼(ii)在低烟无卤地区,亚氯酸盐从铁镁亚氯酸盐(次氯酸钠)到富镁亚氯酸盐(亚辉石)不等,其 u体散布在储集区和更近端的蚀变相; (iii)来自WBZ的亚氯酸盐是来自LSZ较远侧蚀变相的亚氯酸盐,以水滑石向辉绿土的形式展开; (iv)相反地,PHZ图中的亚氯酸盐具有富含udMg-Al的成分(氯氯石到亚硒酸钠); (v)来自每个 udzone的碳酸盐种类也各不相同,除了PHZ和WBZ中的白云岩和 udankerite分别在每个区域中都有方解石。 ud当方铅矿的铅同位素比从不同的不同区域分离时, ud与来自较早研究的数据相结合,往往会分为四个不同的领域。 ud总体上,数据在一条宽混合线上绘出并指示在相对低μ的环境中的演化。在Buchans矿石田中,来自改变后的MBZ岩石中硫化物纵梁的数据,以及碎屑硫化物(Sandfill矿床)的数据,以及APZ中 udalter岩石中的方铅矿的数据。来自布坎斯东部地区的样品比布坎斯矿石更为原始,其中来自PHZ的铅与康纳尔期权前景图 WBd的数据与来自Skidder前景的数据相匹配。来自一个新发现未发现的泥石流型硫化物(中东中部)的样品产生的铅同位素 udratios的放射性比布坎斯稍高,并以玛丽·马尔奇 udaltration带作图。每个聚类中的数据都被解释为代表来自单个水热系统的派生,其中的金属来自共同的来源。


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