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Stock market reaction to corporate real estate divestitures and acquisitions during the global financial crisis



Real estate divestitures and acquisitions (D&A) are conducted as part of corporate restructuring. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap on abnormal stock market returns (AR) toward D&A activities during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in a developing country. Malaysian listed non-real estate companies that conducted D&A during the GFC are used as sample. Event study is applied to determine AR surrounding D&A announcements within (-10day, +10day) event window. Results for both D&A announcements shows insignificant AR on and around announcement date (-1 to +1). For pre-announcement, divesting (acquiring) companies obtain negative (positive) AR, signifying that the market does not favor (favor) divestitures (acquisitions) due to leakage of information. The outcome of post-announcement proves that divesting companies continue to experience negative ARs, although most divesting companies were paid premium prices. However, acquiring companies experience significant and negative post-announcement AR. This is probably due to the price premium which most acquiring companies paid exceeding valuation for their acquisitions. In summary, the market disapproves divestitures in general and acquisitions of real estate assets exceeding their valuations during economic recessions.
机译:房地产资产剥离和收购(D&A)是公司重组的一部分。本研究旨在弥补发展中国家在全球金融危机(GFC)期间针对D&A活动的异常股票市场收益(AR)的知识空白。在全球金融危机期间进行D&A的马来西亚上市非房地产公司被用作样本。应用事件研究来确定事件窗口(-10天,+ 10天)内有关D&A公告的AR。 D&A公告的结果均显示公告日期及其前后(-1到+1)的应收账款微不足道。对于预先宣布,撤资(收购)的公司获得负面(正面)的应收账款,表示市场由于信息泄漏而不赞成(赞成)撤资(收购)。公告后的结果证明,尽管大多数剥离公司都获得了溢价,但剥离公司仍会遇到不良AR。但是,收购公司的公告后AR会带来重大的负面影响。这可能是由于大多数收购公司支付的价格溢价超出了其收购的估值。总之,在经济衰退期间,市场普遍不赞成资产剥离,对房地产资产的收购超过其估值。



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