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Newly Recognized Diagnostic Characters of the Poorly Known Lionfish Pterois brevipectoralis (Scorpaenidae: Pteroinae), with Notes on Fresh Coloration




Pterois brevipectoralis (Mandrytsa, 2002), previously known only from the holotype and two paratypes collected from the Saya de Malha Bank (western Indian Ocean), in depths of 57–90 m, is redescribed on the basis of 10 additional specimens collected from the type locality and the Cargados Carajos Shoals, Mascarene Islands. The species is characterized by the presence of usually XIII, 10 dorsal-fin rays, usually 16 pectoral-fin rays, a relatively low number (6–10) of dark blotches on the pectoral-fin membrane, a relatively short pectoral fin [longest ray 44.5–66.4 (mean 53.4)% SL; not extending beyond the level of the posterior end of the dorsal-fin base in specimens over 91.3 mm SL], ctenoid scales covering the head and dorsolateral body, and the posterior portion of the pectoral-fin rays (not associated with fin membrane) with several bands. In addition, extremely large (greater than orbit diameter), fan-like skin flaps on the tip of the posterior lacrimal spine and the posterior margin of the preopercle in large adults are recognized herein as diagnostic characters for the species. The firstmreport of fresh coloration, based on a specimen from the Saya de Malha Bank, is included, and ontogenetic changes in various features are described in detail.
机译:Pterois brevipectoralis(Mandrytsa,2002),以前仅从完整型和从Saya de Malha Bank(印度洋西部)收集的两个副型中获悉,深度为57-90 m,在此基础上又对10个标本进行了重新描述。类型位置和玛斯卡琳群岛的Cargados Carajos浅滩。该物种的特征是通常存在XIII,10条背鳍射线,通常16条胸鳍射线,相对较少的(6–10)斑点数在胸鳍膜上,相对较短的胸鳍[最长射线44.5–66.4(平均53.4)%SL;不超过标本中背鳍基部后端的水平超过91.3 mm SL],覆盖头部和背外侧体的类胡萝卜鳞片以及胸鳍射线的后部(与鳍膜无关)具有几个乐队。另外,在大型成年人中,泪大后泪的尖端和前oper后缘的极大(大于眼窝直径)的扇状皮肤皮瓣被认为是该物种的诊断特征。包括基于Saya de Malha Bank的标本进行的新鲜着色的首次报告,并详细描述了各种特征的个体发育变化。



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