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Suppression effects of commercial microbial materials including phototrophicpurple bacteria on methane production in submerged soil




In the present study, the effects of microbial material solution (MMS) including phototrophic purple bacteria(PPB) on methane( CH4) production from submerged soil were investigated. Seven treatments were set up: sterilizedor un-sterilized MMS was added to paddy soil with and without rice straw which were also sterilized or unsterilizedand then they were incubated at 30℃ for 4 weeks after submergence in the tube. CH4 and carbon dioxide(CO2) production were significantly higher in the treatment with unsterilized soil added with rice straw comparedto treatment with sterilized soil added with rice straw and treatment without rice straw. In the 2 treatments withunsterilized soil added with rice straw, the treatment with unsterilized MMS was significantly lower methane emissionand was detected higher PPB compared to the treatment with sterilized MMS. The accumulation of organicacids in both standing water and soil was little in the treatment where CH4 and CO2 emission were higher and thetreatment without rice straw. In contrast, the accumulation of organic acids increased in the treatment with sterilizedsoil added rice straw. These results implied the possibility that the CH4 emission which resulted from decompositionof rice straw via organic acids under submerged soil was mitigated when MMS including PPB was added,probably due to competition between methanogens and PPB for organic acids as substrates.
机译:在本研究中,研究了包括光养性紫色细菌(PPB)在内的微生物物质溶液(MMS)对淹没土壤中甲烷(CH4)生产的影响。设置了7种处理方法:将经过灭菌或未经灭菌的MMS加入有或没有稻草的水稻土中,将其也进行灭菌或未灭菌,然后将它们浸入试管中于30℃温育4周。与未加稻草的无菌土壤处理和不加稻草的处理相比,加稻草的未灭菌土壤处理的CH4和二氧化碳(CO2)的产生显着更高。与未灭菌的MMS处理相比,在未灭菌的土壤中添加稻草的两种处理中,未灭菌的MMS处理显着降低了甲烷排放,并检测到较高的PPB。 CH4和CO2排放较高的处理和不带稻草的处理中,死水和土壤中有机酸的积累很少。相比之下,在添加灭菌土壤的稻草中处理有机酸的积累增加了。这些结果表明,当添加含PPB的MMS时,淹没土壤中稻草经有机酸分解而导致的CH4排放得到缓解的可能性可能是由于产甲烷菌和PPB之间竞争有机酸作为底物。



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