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Implementasi Persyaratan Administrasi Proyek Konstruksi Bangunan dalam Kaitannya dengan Status Hak Atas Tanah, Kepemilikan Bangunan dan Imb Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2002 Tentangbangunan Gedung (Study Proyek Konstruksi di Kota Pontianak)



ABSTRAC One of the problems in the legal arrangements construction projects are gaps synchronization rate applicable law is the law for the parties makes a contractual agreement cooperation in the project, called Work Agreementas Lex Specialist against substantion law throughout component Lex Generalist related to building construction project. The central issue of thisresearch shall look for factors that cause non-realization administration building construction project in the context of empirical, forthis thesis with the title “Implementation Requirements Project Administration Building Construction In Relation to the Status of Rights to Land, Building Owners And IMB Based on Law No. 28 of 2002 About ConstructionBuilding”. (Study of construction projects in the city of Pontianak), with the purpose of finding a solution to the problems surrounding the implementation of the law enforcement substance building construction law building correlated benchmarks with the legal concept of implementation of construction projects in the city of Pontianak. The type of research is the type of research with data analysis which is trait of normative analysis. There are several factors that affect the implementation of the provisions of the requirements administratif building which covers the requirements of clarity the status of land rights or land use, the clarity of the ownership status of buildings and building permits, and consequently there arose a wide variety of disputes in the field of administration associated with the administrative requirements of the building. The results of the study can be described, that the administration of building construction projects in the city of Pontianak specifically to building construction project by contracting with landowners, the administration building construction project has not gone up. It is seen by some cases of administrative disputes buildings ranging from the disputed status of land rights, dispute the ownership status wake-up buildings and administrative disputes in the field of building permits relatively frequent is questionable return true implementation of the administrative building is sound and implemented.
机译:ABSTRAC法律安排建设项目中的问题之一是差距同步率适用法律是当事各方在项目中进行合同协议合作的法律,该法律被称为Lex Specialist,是针对与建筑建设项目有关的整个Lex Generalist实体法的专家。本研究的中心问题应在经验的背景下寻找导致未实现的行政建筑建设项目的因素,本论文的标题为“与土地,建筑物所有人和IMB的地位有关的实施要求的行政建筑建设”。基于2002年第28号法律,关于“建筑”。 (在坤甸的建设项目研究),旨在找到解决围绕执法实体建筑实施建设问题的解决方案,将基准与在坤甸的建设项目实施的法律概念相关联。研究类型是具有数据分析的研究类型,它是规范分析的特征。有几个因素会影响行政管理要求的规定的执行,这些要求包括明确土地权或土地使用状况,明确建筑物和建筑物许可证所有权状况的要求,因此产生了各种各样的要求。与建筑物的管理要求相关的管理领域的争议。研究结果可以描述为,坤甸市的建筑工程项目管理专门针对与土地所有者签约的建筑工程项目,行政建筑工程项目没有增加。从一些土地,土地使用权纠纷,房屋所有权纠纷,建筑物所有权纠纷等行政纠纷案件中可以看出,行政许可纠纷相对频繁发生是值得质疑的。已实施。



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