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Proeja: egressos do Curso Técnico em Metalurgia do Ifes campus Vitória e sua inserção no mundo trabalho



The research aimed to study the trajectory of former high school students of a Technical Course in Metallurgy in the Professional youth and adult education (Eja/ Proeja) Program at Ifes, Vitória, observing their entrance in the workforce. Thus, the job positions and theactual contributions that the course has brought to the lives of these students were analyzed. Socio historical research based on Marxian principles, Gramisciniano, Freirian among other authors. This qualitative case study used a variety of instruments of data collection: document analysis, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The subjects of this study were 28 former high school students of the technical course in Mettalurgy, one teacher from the technical area, two schoolmasters and Proeja s coordinator, from 2003 to 2011. In the data analysis, by crossing the data from the questionnaires and interviews, it was possible to identify that the Proeja s former students improved substantially their quality of life after finishing the course and entering into the workforce. Some former students, around 30%, are technicians showing the valuing in their profession. Others seek the valuing of their profession, as we found that some of them are restricted to work as equipment operators, as business employees, etc. Therefore, former students recognize that its technical course metallurgy has given them entry into the workforce and contributed to improving their quality of life, motivating them to continue their studies in the undergraduate education. The challenge for Ifes is to recognize working students as subjects who have rights, among them, it is the right to have access to an education that relates their knowledge built into the social and cultural practices with the knowledge related to their working field. Thus, the former students inclusion in the workforce is something broader, since it involves searching and reflections for decent work and emancipator, creative, in the ontological sense of human being
机译:这项研究旨在研究维托里亚伊费斯市专业青年和成人教育(Eja / Proeja)计划中的冶金技术课程的高中生的轨迹,并观察他们的加入情况。因此,分析了该课程为这些学生的生活带来的工作位置和实际贡献。基于马克思主义原理,Gramisciniano,Freirian等人的社会历史研究。该定性案例研究使用了多种数据收集工具:文档分析,问卷调查和半结构化访谈。这项研究的对象是2003年至2011年的28名Mettalurgy技术课程的高中生,一名技术领域的老师,两名校长和Proeja的协调员。在数据分析中,将调查问卷和采访中,有可能发现Proeja的前学生在完成课程并加入劳动大军后,生活水平大大提高。一些以前的学生(约30%)是技术人员,他们对他们的职业非常重视。其他人则寻求他们的职业的价值,因为我们发现其中一些人仅限于以设备操作员,业务雇员等的身份工作。因此,以前的学生认识到其技术课程冶金学使他们进入了劳动力队伍并为改善职业生涯做出了贡献他们的生活质量,激励他们继续在本科教育中学习。 Ifes面临的挑战是将在职学生识别为拥有权利的学科,其中,有权利获得将其融入社会和文化实践的知识与与其工作领域相关的知识联系起来的教育。因此,以前的学生在劳动力中的包容性范围更广,因为它涉及对体面工作和解放者的探索和思考,具有人类本体论意义上的创造力



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