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Law enforcement staff perceptions of illegal hunting and wildlifeudconservation in Gonarezhou National Park, southeastern Zimbabwe

机译:执法人员对非法狩猎和野生动植物的看法 ud津巴布韦东南部Gonarezhou国家公园的自然保护



Globally, pressure from the illegal harvesting of wildlife is a recurrent issue forudprotected area management. In order to ensure the effective conservation of wildlife resources,udlaw enforcement has been identified as one of the most important components of protected areaudmanagement. Our study aimed at addressing the following two research questions: (1) what areudthe perceptions of law enforcement staff in Gonarezhou National Park (GNP), Zimbabwe, aboutudillegal hunting practices, illegal hunter’s characteristics, wild animals commonly targeted andudtrends of poaching in the park; and, (2) what are the suggestions for reducing illegal huntingudand enhancing wildlife conservation in GNP ecosystem? Data were collected using a semistructuredudquestionnaire administered through interviews from 42 law enforcement staffudrepresenting 47 % of the total law enforcement staff in GNP from February to May 2011. Ourudresults showed that 76 % (n = 32) of the patrol rangers perceived that most illegal hunters wereudbetween 21 and 30 years. Nearly all respondents (95 %; n = 40) reported that most poachersudwere residents of villages situated within 20 km from the boundary of GNP. Medium to largeudwild herbivores were reportedly the most illegally animal hunted species whilst large carnivoresudwere the least illegally hunted animals. Most of the respondents (79 %, n = 33) perceived thatudpoaching activities had declined in GNP ecosystem between 2005 and 2010 due to an increase inudarrests. Increasing conservation awareness and education in adjacent communal areas wouldudhelp to further reduce illegal hunting and promote wildlife conservation.
机译:在全球范围内,非法采伐野生动植物带来的压力对于保护区的保护来说是一个经常出现的问题。为了确保有效保护野生动植物资源, udlaw执法已被确定为保护区 udmanagement的最重要组成部分之一。我们的研究旨在解决以下两个研究问题:(1)津巴布韦Gonarezhou国家公园(GNP)执法人员的看法是什么,关于 udillegal的狩猎做法,非法猎人的特征,通常针对的野生动物和 trend在公园里偷猎的行为; (2)在减少国民生产总值生态系统中的非法猎杀和加强野生动植物保护方面有何建议?使用半结构化问卷调查法收集的数据来自42名执法人员,占2011年2月至2011年5月GNP中执法人员总数的47%。我们的调查结果表明,有76%(n = 32)的巡逻护林员认为大多数非法猎人年龄在21至30岁之间。几乎所有受访者(95%; n = 40)报告说,大多数偷猎者是来自GNP边界20公里以内的村庄的居民。据报道,中型至大型野生食草动物是非法捕猎动物最多的物种,而大型食肉动物 ud则是非法捕猎动物最少的物种。大多数受访者(79%,n = 33)认为,由于 udarrests的增加,2005年至2010年间GNP生态系统中 udupaching活动有所减少。在邻近的公共区域增加保护意识和教育将有助于进一步减少非法狩猎并促进野生动植物保护。



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