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Playing Forty Questions: Responding to Justice Robertsu27 Concerns in Caperton and Some Tentative Answers About Operationalizing Judicial Recusal and Due Process

机译:提出四十个问题:回应Caperton法官Roberts u27的担忧以及有关司法撤消和正当程序运作的一些初步答案



The Chief Justice of the United States would probably have excelled as a negative debater in high school forensics competitions. Good negative debaters are, as my high school English teacher put it, “great point-pickers” in that they frequently challenge affirmative proposals with a series of “what if?” or “how about?” or “what would you do if?” questions designed to leave the affirmative resolution bleeding to death of a thousand cuts. Less charitable observers might call it nit-picking. After reading Chief Justice Robertsu27s dissenting opinion in Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., one can easily imagine him as a high school debater standing firm in opposition to some affirmative resolution not so much by opposing the well-meaning-but-naive concepts contained in the resolution, but by raising myriad questions about the proposalu27s potential for practical application. Even the best affirmative debaters will be hard pressed to effectively refute the negative debateru27s laundry list of concerns, particularly in the few minutes available to formulate a response. Notwithstanding the endless droning of sports announcers about “momentum,” it is generally easier to play defense than offense because the side or party advocating an extension of the law or the imposition of liability or discipline must shoulder the burden of persuasion. If there is a “tie” with the pros and cons of argument in equipoise, the defense or status quo is usually deemed both the logical winner and the practical winner.In Caperton, the U.S. Supreme Court narrowly adopted what to most lay observers probably seems like an inarguable proposition: a judge whose candidacy receives more than $3 million from a litigant should not sit in judgment on a case where that litigant is attempting to avoid a $50 million liability. Nonetheless, the Court reached this common sense result by a slim 5-4 vote, with the dissenters, led by Chief Justice Roberts, minimizing the danger of biased judging presented by the situation and, more defensibly and perhaps effectively, raising concerns about the Courtu27s authority and methodology in policing the disqualification of state court judges pursuant to the Due Process Clause.In particular, the dissent posed forty questions in support of its view that the majorityu27s invocation of the Due Process Clause to require judicial disqualification due to receipt of enormous campaign contributions was not a sustainably practical approach to policing the judicial integrity of state courts. Judging from the early reaction of many commentators, the dissenters scored more than a few rhetorical points. Although Caperton was generally well received as an antidote to the perceived problems of money and judicial politics, several commentators, echoing the arguments of the dissent, called into question the wisdom of the majorityu27s correction of judicial outrage. Experienced debaters and former debaters cannot help but read the opinion with some admiration for its craft. The Roberts dissent embraces an almost indefensible position (that the Court should just let it go when the public could reasonably suspect that a litigant succeeded on appeal by “buying” a key judge through massive campaign support) but nonetheless puts the majority on the defensive and convinces many observers that the majorityu27s effort to right a wrong will cause more problems than it solves.
机译:美国首席大法官在高中法证学比赛中可能会成为负面辩论者。就像我的高中英语老师所说的那样,好的负面辩论者是“挑剔的选择者”,因为他们经常用一系列的“如果呢?”来挑战肯定的提议。或“怎么样?”或“如果要怎么办?”旨在使肯定的解决方案流血到一千割的死亡的问题。不那么慈善的观察家可能会称之为挑剔。阅读首席大法官罗伯茨(Roberts)在Caperton诉A.T.梅西煤炭公司(Massey Coal Co.)可以轻易地将他想象成是一名高中辩论者,坚定地反对某种肯定的决议,与其说是反对决议中包含的善意但幼稚的概念,不如说是对提案的无数质疑。具有实际应用潜力。甚至最好的平权辩论者也将难以有效地驳斥负面辩论者的关注清单,特别是在几分钟内可以做出回应。尽管体育播音员无休止地谈论“动量”,但通常比起进攻来进行防守要容易,因为主张扩大法律范围或施加责任或纪律的一方或一方必须承担说服的负担。如果在论点上存在“正负”的平衡,辩护或维持现状通常被认为是逻辑上的赢家和实践上的赢家。在卡佩顿,美国最高法院狭adopted地采纳了大多数非专业观察员的做法就像一个无可争辩的命题:候选人从诉讼方获得超过300万美元的法官不应就该诉讼方试图避免5,000万美元的赔偿责任担任法官。尽管如此,法院还是以5:4的微弱票数达到了这个常识性结果,在首席大法官罗伯茨(Roberts)的领导下,持不同政见者将这种情况带来的有偏见的审判的风险降到了最低,并且在辩护和有效地提高了人们对法院的关注在依据正当程序条款为州法院法官取消资格辩护时的权威和方法。特别是,异议者提出了四十个问题,以支持其观点,即多数人对正当程序条款的援引要求由于收到大量竞选捐款不是维持州法院司法公正的可持续方法。从许多评论员的早期反应来看,持不同政见者的得分超过了一些修辞点。尽管卡珀顿通常被认为是解决金钱和司法政治问题的解毒剂,但仍有几位评论员回应持不同政见者的论点,对多数人纠正司法暴行的智慧提出了质疑。经验丰富的辩论者和前辩论者不禁对它的技巧赞不绝口。罗伯茨的异议立场几乎是无可辩驳的(法院应在公众可以合理地怀疑诉讼人通过大规模的竞选支持“购买”一名主要法官而成功上诉后才放任法院),但仍将多数放在防御和辩护上。说服许多观察者说,多数人为纠正错误所做的努力会带来比解决方案更多的问题。


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    Stempel Jeffrey W.;

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