首页> 外文OA文献 >Refugia in Glacial Ages Led to the Current Discontinuous Distribution Patterns of the Dark Red-backed Vole Myodes rex on Hokkaido, Japan

Refugia in Glacial Ages Led to the Current Discontinuous Distribution Patterns of the Dark Red-backed Vole Myodes rex on Hokkaido, Japan

机译:冰河时代的避难所导致了日本北海道暗红色支持的田鼠Myodes rex当前不连续的分布模式


The terrestrial mammalian fauna of the North Japanese island, Hokkaido, is more similar to that of Southern Siberia than to the main island of Japan, Honshu. Three species of the genus Myodes (Muridae, Rodentia) are found on Hokkaido, but not on Honshu. While Myodes rufocanus and M. rutilus are widely distributed across Hokkaido as well as the Eurasian continent, M. rex, which is endemic to Hokkaido and its adjacent islands, shows a discontinuous distribution pattern. We analyzed the phylogeographic history of M. rex using the mitochondrial DNA control region in order to interpret their discontinuous distribution pattern. Phylogenetic relationships among 54 distinct haplotypes showed that M. rex can be divided into four clades that occur on the northern, central, and southern regions of the Hokkaido mainland and on Rishiri Island, respectively. The phylogroups in the northern and central regions were largely separated in space, although several areas of sympatry were found. The phylogroup in the southern region, which was clearly separated from other phylogroups, showed markedly low genetic variability. All analyzed individuals from the population on Rishiri belonged to a separate lineage. Across a range of divergence rate estimates, we dated the basal divergence of all phylogroups to the mid to late Pleistocene, with subsequent signals of population expansion within lineages. We conclude that current phylogeographic structure in M. rex likely reflects Pleistocene survival in several separate refugia in situ. Past glacial ages have thus played an important role in shaping the current distribution patterns of mammalian species on Hokkaido.
机译:北日本岛北海道的陆地哺乳动物区系与南西伯利亚岛的相似,而不是日本主岛本州。在北海道发现了Myodes属的3种(Muridae,Rodentia),而在本州则没有。尽管在北海道以及欧亚大陆上广泛分布有红斑Myodes rufocanus和M. rutilus,但北海道及其邻近岛屿特有的雷克斯M. rex却显示出不连续的分布格局。为了解释它们的不连续分布模式,我们使用线粒体DNA控制区分析了雷氏疟原虫的地理志。在54种不同单倍型之间的亲缘关系表明,霸王龙可分为四个进化枝,分别位于北海道大陆北部,中部和南部地区以及利Island岛上。尽管发现了几个共生区域,但北部和中部地区的植物群在空间上基本分开。南部地区的系统群与其他系统群明显分开,其遗传变异性明显较低。来自利ish里(Rishiri)人口的所有分析个体都属于一个单独的世系。在一系列的差异速率估计中,我们将所有系统群的基础差异定为更新世中期至晚期,并在世系内进行了种群扩展的后续信号。我们得出的结论是,当前的系统地理结构可能反映了雷克斯支原体在几个单独的避难所中的更新世生存。因此,过去的冰川时代在塑造北海道哺乳动物物种当前的分布格局方面发挥了重要作用。



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