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Les interpolations médiévales dans la tradition manuscrite de M. Cetius Faventinus

机译:Cetius Faventinus先生的手写传统中的中世纪插值


The textual tradition of the Abridged version of Private Architecture by M. Cetius Faventinus, compiler of the De architectura of Vitruvius, is remarkable because of the variety of treatments that the original text has undergone ; not a single witness has come down to us without interpolations. The witnesses vary in their nature and construction along family lines : the increments can take the form of additions, citations or digressions that differ in length more or less with relation to the initial kernel. Some are drawn from well identified ancient or contemporary texts. In others, isolated fragments migrate from one collection to another. At the heart of this composite tradition are a dozen manuscripts that bear the title Incipit de architectura ualde utilis scientia de libris antiquorum qui de hoc scripserunt non paruo labore excerpta to which can be attached a manuscript that has no title and only a limited selection of Cetius Faventinus's chapters and interpolations. These manuscripts offer the text of Cetius Faventinus accompanied by the same interpolations, distributed in virtually the same way. There are two strata of interpolations in this collection. The first interpolator reworked the treatise of Cetius Faventinus such as it could be read in the manuscript Valenciennes, B.M. 337. His knowledge and his borrowings are drawn from the attested sources dating from the late tenth to early eleventh centuries, either in the north-eastern centres such as Corbie, Laon and Reims, or in the areas of influence of Gerbert. A second scribe, from the same cultural milieu, completed the collection with new recipes and annexed the treatise of Palladius, thus producing a handy anthology of practical advice on agriculture and architecture.
机译:维特鲁威的De architectura的编译者M. Cetius Faventinus的“私有建筑的删节版”的文字传统非常引人注目,因为原始文字经历了多种处理;没有插补的目击者会降临我们。证人的性质和结构各不相同,沿着家庭而变化:增加的形式可以是加成,引文或题外话的形式,其长度或多或少与最初的内核有关。其中一些取材自知名度较高的古代或当代文字。在其他情况下,孤立的片段从一个集合迁移到另一个集合。这种综合传统的核心是十二个手稿,标题为《建筑学国际自由法》,书名不限,但可以附加手稿,标题不限,只能选择有限的Cetius Faventinus的章节和内插。这些手稿提供了Cetius Faventinus的文本,并附带以几乎相同的方式分发的相同插值。此集合有两个插值层。第一位插补者重新设计了Cetius Faventinus的论文,例如可以在Valenciennes,B.M.的手稿中阅读。 337.他的知识和举债来自于十世纪后期至十一世纪初的可靠来源,无论是在东北地区,如科比,拉昂和兰斯,还是在杰伯特的影响范围内。来自同一文化环境的第二位抄写员以新食谱完成了该系列的收藏,并附上了Palladius的专着,从而编写了关于农业和建筑的实用建议手册。



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