首页> 外文OA文献 >Trésor de monnaies carolingiennes du VIIIe siècle trouvé à Larino (Italie, Molise) Les monnaies de Louis, roi d'Aquitaine (781-794)

Trésor de monnaies carolingiennes du VIIIe siècle trouvé à Larino (Italie, Molise) Les monnaies de Louis, roi d'Aquitaine (781-794)



Summary. - Found during the 1992 excavations of the amphitheater of Larino, this hoard contains 20 denars, the value of one Roman ounce. One is a denar of Charlemagne, from Limoges. The other 19 are issues of Louis, King of Aquitaine, from Clermont and the city and cathedral of Bourges. Only 7 coins of Louis were hitherto known. The hoard confirms one of them as authentic. The burial is related to an expedition of Louis against Benevento in 793.
机译:摘要。 -在1992年对拉里诺圆形剧场的发掘中发现的宝藏,其中包含20个第纳尔,价值1罗马盎司。其中之一是利摩日(Limoges)的夏勒曼(Charlemagne)的第纳尔。另外的19本书是克莱蒙(Clermont)的阿基坦国王路易(Louis)和布尔日的城市和大教堂。迄今为止,路易斯只知道7枚硬币。 ho积确认其中之一是真实的。该葬礼与793年路易斯对贝内文托的远征有关。



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