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A ground penetrating radar survey near the excavated burial site of Kiacatoo Man

机译:起亚卡图曼(Kiacatoo Man)挖掘的墓地附近的探地雷达勘测



Ground penetrating radar technology has advanced in the last decade to the point where it is possible to identify objects as small as a grave quickly and with great precision. This study investigates its potential for identifying possible human burials alongside the grave site of Kiacatoo Man in central New South Wales. In 2011, the weathered remains of this individual were discovered in a levee of an ancient course of the Lachlan River, and measurements taken from the reconstructed femur suggest an individual of exceptional size and rugosity. Preliminary OSL analyses of fine sandy sediment underlying the grave floor provide a maximum age for the skeleton of around 17,000 years. A GPR survey over a 200 m x 40 m grid of the levee revealed five disturbances that are consistent with the geophysical and morphological expression of grave excavations. The technique appears to be an effective tool for mapping of unmarked graves, and may be particularly useful for systematic archaeological exploration of the source-bordering dunes and levees of the Riverine Plain. These landforms may hold the key to understanding burial patterning, the distribution of people, and land-use during the late Pleistocene in Australia.
机译:在过去的十年中,探地雷达技术已经发展到可以快速,高精度地识别像坟墓一样小的物体的地步。这项研究调查了其在新南威尔士州中部Kiacatoo Man墓地旁边发现可能的人类墓葬的潜力。 2011年,在Lachlan河的一条古老河道的堤坝中发现了这个人的风化遗骸,从重建的股骨中获得的测量数据表明,这个人的体型和and屈度非常高。 OSL初步分析了位于坟墓底下的细沙质沉积物,其骨架的最大年龄约为17,000年。 GPR对堤防200 m x 40 m网格的调查显示,有五种扰动与坟墓的地球物理和形态表达相一致。该技术似乎是绘制未加标记的坟墓的有效工具,并且可能对沿河平原的源边沙丘和堤防进行系统的考古探索特别有用。这些地貌可能是理解澳大利亚晚更新世时期埋葬模式,人口分布和土地利用的关键。



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