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New perspectives on taste and primate evolution: the dichotomy in gustatory coding for perception of beneficent vs. noxious substances as supported by correlations among human thresholds




In various environments where primates are presently observed, as well as in forests and savannas which have been inhabited by australopithecines and early hominids, there are -or there has been presumably- categories of substances eliciting taste signals associated with stereotyped responses. Such is the case for various soluble sugars of fruits and nectars, attracting consumers; and for several plant compounds in which bitter or strongly astringent properties have a repulsive effect. The occurrence of such classes of tasty substances among natural products appears to be related to the evolutionary trends that shaped primate sensory perception (for detecting either beneficent or potentially noxious substances) in the context of a long history of coevolution between animals and plants. In this paper, we present original psychophysical data on humans (412 individuals aged 17 to 59 years) as an analogy with which to test recent evidence from electrophysiology in nonhuman primates (Hellekant et al., [1997] J. Neurophysiol. 77:978-993; Danilova et al., [1998] Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 855:160-164) that taste fibers can be grouped into clusters of "best responding fibers" with two more specific clusters, one for sugars and one for quinine and tannins. The collinearity found between human taste responses (recognition thresholds) for fructose and sucrose, as well as for quinine and tannins, is presented and discussed as another evidence of the two-direction evolutionary trends determining taste sensitivity. Salt perception appears to betotally independent of these trends. Accordingly, the appreciation of a salty taste seems to be a recent culturally learned response, not a primary taste perception. The very existence of primary tastes is discussed in the context of evolutionary trends, past and present.
机译:在目前观察到灵长类动物的各种环境中,以及在南澳大利亚人和早期人类居住的森林和热带稀树草原中,存在-或可能存在-引起与定型反应相关的味觉信号的物质类别。水果和花蜜的各种可溶性糖就是这种情况,吸引了消费者。对于几种植物化合物,其中苦味或强涩性具有排斥作用。在动植物之间历史悠久的历史背景下,天然产品中这类可口物质的出现似乎与塑造灵长类动物感觉感知(用于检测有益或潜在有害物质)的进化趋势有关。在本文中,我们提供了有关人类(412名年龄在17至59岁之间的个体)的原始心理生理数据,用以测试非人类灵长类动物电生理学的最新证据(Hellekant等人,[1997] J. Neurophysiol。77:978)。 -993; Danilova等人,[1998] Ann。NY Acad。Sci。855:160-164),可以将味觉纤维分为“最佳响应纤维”群,其中有两个更具体的群,一个用于糖类,另一个用于糖类。奎宁和单宁。介绍和讨论了人类对果糖和蔗糖以及奎宁和单宁酸的味觉响应(识别阈值)之间的共线性,这是确定味觉敏感性的双向进化趋势的另一个证据。盐的感觉似乎完全独立于这些趋势。因此,对咸味的欣赏似乎是最近在文化上学到的反应,而不是主要的味觉。在过去和现在的进化趋势中讨论了原始口味的存在。



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