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Diurnal and seasonal changes in stem radius increment and sap flow density indicate different responses of two co-existing oak species to environmental stress



Using continuous monitoring of stem radius combinedudwith sap flow measurements weudassessed the effects of environmental conditions onudtree radial growth and water status of two co-udexisting oak species (udQuercus petraeaudandudQuercus cerrisud) at high resolution time in growingudseasons of 2008 and 2009. The forest (95–100 yr) isudsituated in a xeric site in the transition zoneudbetween forested and forest-steppe regions in northud-eastern Hungary, Bükk mountains (47udoud90’N,ud20udoud46’E, elevation 320–340 m a.s.l.). Weather conditioudns in the growing season of 2008 (totaludrainfall 354 mm, mean daily temperature 17.0udoudC) was less extreme than in 2009 (total rainfallud299 mm, temperature 17.9udoudC). Rainfall strongly determined the course of radiudal growth incrementudin trees. Radial growth of trees was limited in 200ud9 due to the drought in spring. The maximumudradial increment of both species was achieved threeudweeks earlier (4udthudweek of June) than in 2008ud(4udthudweek of July). We used dendrometer monitoring dataudfor estimation of stem (tree) wateruddeficit (ud∆udW) by measuring water-related changes in stem radiuuds (Zweifel et al. 2005). Theudmagnitude of tree water deficit variation (ud∆udW) was always smaller inudQ. cerrisudthan inudQ. petraea.udIn contrast,udQuercus cerrisudalways exhibited larger daytime averages and maximaudof sap flowuddensity. In August of 2009 when drought became seveudre there were larger increases in tree wateruddeficit (ud∆udW) (50–55 %) in both species compared to July as itudcould be expected from the extentudof decreases in sap flow density (24–28%). Our dataudsuggested that due to the low SWC theudtranspiration was supported mainly from the inner wudater storage of trees during prolonged droughtudwhich resulted in high stem water deficit (ud∆udW).
机译:通过对茎半径的连续监测/与树液流量测量相结合,我们评估了高海拔环境条件对两种混生橡树种( udQuercus petraea udand udQuercus cerris ud)的 udtree径向生长和水分状况的影响在2008年和2009年的成长淡季中的分辨率时间。森林(95-100年)位于匈牙利北部 ud-东部匈牙利布克山脉过渡地区的干旱地区介于森林和森林草原地区之间(47 udo ud90'N, ud20 udo ud46'E,海拔高度320-340 m。与2009年(总降雨量ud299毫米,温度17.9 udo udC)相比,2008年生长期的天气状况(总降雨量354 mm,日平均气温17.0 udoudc)要低。降雨强烈决定了辐射 udal生长增量 udin树木的过程。由于春季干旱,树木的径向生长限制在200 ud9。与2008 ud(7月的4 udth udweek)相比,这两个物种的最大径向增长达到了提前三个 udweek(6月的4 udth udweek)。我们通过使用测树仪监测数据 ud来估算茎(树)水 uddefitit( ud∆ udW),方法是测量与水相关的茎半径 uds(Zweifel等,2005)。树木水分亏缺变化的 udm值总是在 udQ中较小。 cerris udthan in udQ。 ud相反, udQuercus cerris udal始终表现出较大的白天平均值和最大 ud汁液流量密度。 2009年8月干旱加剧时,与7月相比,两个物种的树水赤字( ud∆ udW)增幅更大(50–55%),因为 udof下降的程度可以预见汁液流密度(24-28%)。我们的数据表明,由于西南偏低,长期干旱 ud下的蒸腾作用主要来自树木的内部水分贮藏,这导致高的茎干水分亏缺( ud∆ udW)。



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