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The ornamentation of four early eighteenth-century Italian oboe concerti found in 'Concerti a Cinque... Libro primo' of Jeanne Roger (Amsterdam, ca. 1714-1717)




This study presents new editions of four Baroque oboe concerti with ornaments added to the slow movements. The four concerti by three Italian composers were published in Concerti a Cinque Con Violini, Oboe, Violetta, Violoncello e Basso Continuo, Del Signori G. Valentini, A. Vivaldi, T. Albinoni, F. M. Veracini, G. St. Martin, A. Marcello, G. Rampin, A. Predieri, Libro Primo, No. 432 (Amsterdam: Jeanne Roger, ca. 1714-17). Scores have been created from the Roger print in a computer-generated edition with the original solo line on top, ornaments created in this study for the slow movements written out on the staff below, and followed by four additional staves containing the two violin, viola, and continuo parts from the print. The study focuses on creating ornaments for Concerto I in F major by Giuseppe Sammartini, Concerto II in D minor by Alessandro Marcello, and Concerti III and IV, both in C major, by Giuseppe Valentini. Since no treatises on early eighteenth-century Italian ornamentation are extant, the selection of ornaments for the concerti of the Roger print were guided by the characteristics and technical limitations of a reproduction baroque oboe, as well as music of early eighteenth-century Italian and Italian-influenced composers whose works were published with ornaments. Chapter I introduces the topic, composers, and publisher. The history and technical limitations of the baroque oboe are discussed in Chapter II. Chapter III examines published Italian and Italianate ornamentation. Chapter IV discusses the methods and rationale employed to ornament each of the slow movements of the four concerti. Chapter V summarizes the paper. The appendices include full scores of each of the concerti. The slow movement of each concerto includes both the unornamented and ornamented versions of the solo line.
机译:这项研究提出了四个新版本的巴洛克双簧管协奏曲,并在缓慢运动中增加了装饰品。由三位意大利作曲家创作的四首协奏曲发表于《协奏曲》,《小提琴五弦琴》,《双簧管》,《维奥莱塔》,《大提琴与低音提琴》,《德尔·西格诺里·瓦伦蒂尼》,《维瓦尔第》,《阿尔比诺尼》,《 FM维拉奇尼》,《圣马丁》。 Marcello,G.Rampin,A.Predieri,Libro Primo,第432号(阿姆斯特丹:Jeanne Roger,约1714-17年)。在计算机生成的版本中,从罗杰(Roger)印刷作品中创建得分,并在原始独奏线条的顶部,在此研究中为缓慢的动作写出了本研究中制作的装饰品,下面的工作人员将这些装饰品写下来,随后是另外四个带有两个小提琴中提琴的五线谱,以及印刷品的连续零件。这项研究的重点是朱塞佩·萨马蒂尼(Giuseppe Sammartini)为F大调的协奏曲I,阿莱桑德罗·马塞洛(Alessandro Marcello)的D小调的协奏曲II和朱塞佩·瓦伦蒂尼(Giuseppe Valentini)的C大调为协奏曲III和IV创建装饰品。由于没有关于18世纪早期意大利装饰的论文,因此,罗杰版协奏曲的装饰选择是受复制巴洛克双簧管的特点和技术局限性以及18世纪早期意大利和意大利音乐的指导-影响较大的作曲家,其作品均以装饰品出版。第一章介绍了主题,作曲家和发行者。第二章讨论了巴洛克双簧管的历史和技术局限性。第三章考察了已发表的意大利和意大利风格的装饰。第四章讨论了用来装饰四个协奏曲的每个慢速运动的方法和原理。第五章对论文进行了总结。附录包括每个协奏曲的满分。每个协奏曲的缓慢移动包括独奏线的未装饰版本和装饰版本。



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