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Correlation Length And Chirality Of The Fluctuations In The Isotropic Phase Of Nematic And Cholesteric Liquid Crystals




Light-scattering measurements of the correlation length in the isotropic phase of a nematic liquid crystal reveal a temperature dependence following Landau-de Gennes theory for the isotropic phase with a bare correlation length smaller than has been measured in other liquid crystals. Similar measurements in a cholesteric liquid crystal demonstrate that the correlation length in the isotropic phase is larger than typically found in nematics and that the chirality of the fluctuations in the isotropic phase is slightly higher than the chirality of the cholesteric phase. Landau-de Gennes theory of the cholesteric phase describes the chirality in the cholesteric phase well but predicts that the chirality in the isotropic phase is temperature independent, which is not consistent with the data. There is a discontinuity in the chirality at the cholesteric-isotropic transition of about 15%, which is less than the predictions of Landau-de Gennes theory but more than the typical specific volume discontinuity at transitions to the isotropic phase. Except for a mismatch in the discontinuities at the transition, the chirality data resemble the temperature behavior of variables just below a critical point, in spite of the fact that this system is far from a critical point.
机译:向列型液晶的各向同性相中的相关长度的光散射测量显示出遵循Landau-de Gennes理论的各向同性相的温度依赖性,其裸露相关长度小于在其他液晶中所测量的相关长度。在胆甾型液晶中的类似测量表明,各向同性相的相关长度比向列型中的典型长度大,并且各向同性相中的波动的手性略高于胆甾相的手性。胆甾相的Landau-de Gennes理论很好地描述了胆甾相的手性,但预测各向同性相的手性与温度无关,这与数据不一致。胆甾型-各向同性转变处的手性不连续性约为15%,小于Landau-de Gennes理论的预测,但大于向各向同性相转变时的典型比容不连续性。除了过渡系统的不连续性不匹配外,手性数据类似于变量在临界点以下的温度行为,尽管该系统距离临界点很远。



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