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A novel grey–fuzzy–Markov and pattern recognition modeludfor industrial accident forecasting

机译:一种新颖的灰色—模糊—马尔可夫和模式识别模型 ud用于工业事故预测



Industrial forecasting is a top-echelon researchuddomain, which has over the past several years experiencedudhighly provocative research discussions. The scope of thisudresearch domain continues to expand due to the continuousudknowledge ignition motivated by scholars in the area. So,udmore intelligent and intellectual contributions on currentudresearch issues in the accident domain will potentially sparkudmore lively academic, value-added discussions that will be ofudpractical significance to members of the safety community. Inudthis communication, a new grey–fuzzy–Markov time seriesudmodel, developed from nondifferential grey interval analyticaludframework has been presented for the first time. Thisudinstrument forecasts future accident occurrences under timeinvarianceudassumption. The actual contribution made in theudarticle is to recognise accident occurrence patterns anduddecompose theminto grey state principal pattern components.udThe architectural framework of the developed grey–fuzzy–udMarkov pattern recognition (GFMAPR) model has fourudstages: fuzzification, smoothening, defuzzification andudwhitenisation. The results of application of the developedudnovel model signify that forecasting could be effectivelyudcarried out under uncertain conditions and hence, positions the model as a distinctly superior tool for accident forecastingudinvestigations. The novelty of thework lies in the capability ofudthe model inmaking highly accurate predictions and forecastsudbased on the availability of small or incomplete accident data.
机译:工业预测是一项顶级的研究 uddomain,在过去的几年中经历了非常具有挑衅性的研究讨论。由于该领域的学者不断激发着 u003cWed u003d u003e u003d因此,在事故领域当前 udre研究问题上的 udmore明智的和智力的贡献可能会激发 udmore生动的学术性,增值性讨论,这对安全界成员具有 u实践意义。在这种交流中,首次提出了由非差分灰色区间分析 udframework开发的新的灰色–模糊–马尔可夫时间序列 ud模型。该仪器在时间不变怀疑的情况下预测未来的事故发生。 udart中所做的实际贡献是识别事故的发生模式并 u分解最小的灰色状态主模式组件。 ud已开发的灰色-模糊- udMarkov模式识别(GFMAPR)模型的体系结构框架具有四个 udstage:模糊化,平滑,去模糊和 udwhitenisation。开发的 udnovel模型的应用结果表明,可以在不确定的条件下有效地进行预测,因此,该模型是事故预测 ud•调查的明显优越工具。这项工作的新颖之处在于,该模型能够基于少量或不完整的事故数据的可用性做出高度准确的预测和预测。



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