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VLF and HF Plasma Waves Associated with Spread-F Plasma Depletions Observed on the C/NOFS Satellite

机译:在C / NOFS卫星上观测到的VLF和HF等离子波与展频F等离子体损耗有关


The C/NOFS spacecraft frequently encounters structured plasma depletions associated with equatorial spread-F along its trajectory that varies between 401 km perigee and 867 km apogee in the low latitude ionosphere. We report two classes of plasma waves detected with the Vector Electric Field Investigation (VEFI) that appear when the plasma frequency is less than the electron gyro frequency, as is common in spread-F depletions where the plasma number density typically decreases below 10(exp 4)/cu cm. In these conditions, both broadband VLF waves with a clear cutoff at the lower hybrid frequency and broadband HF waves with a clear cutoff at the plasma frequency are observed. We interpret these waves as "hiss-type" emissions possibly associated with the flow of suprathermal electrons within the inter-hemispherical magnetic flux tubes. We also report evidence of enhanced wave "transients" sometimes embedded in the broader band emissions that are associated with lightning sferics detected within the depleted plasma regions that appear in both the VLF and HF data. Theoretical implications of these observations are discussed.
机译:C / NOFS航天器在低纬度电离层中沿其轨迹经常遇到与赤道扩散F有关的结构性等离子体消耗,该变化在近地点401 km近地点与867 km远地点之间变化。我们报告了用矢量电场调查(VEFI)检测到的两类等离子体波,当等离子体频率小于电子陀螺仪频率时出现,这在扩频F耗尽中很常见,在这种情况下,等离子体数密度通常会降低到10(exp 4)/立方厘米在这些条件下,观察到在较低的混合频率处具有清晰截止的宽带VLF波和在等离子频率处具有清晰截止的宽带HF波。我们将这些波解释为“嘶嘶”型发射,可能与半球间磁通管内的超热电子流动有关。我们还报告了增强波“瞬变”的证据,这些瞬变有时嵌入更宽的频带发射中,这些发射与在VLF和HF数据中均显示的耗尽等离子体区域中检测到的雷电相关。讨论了这些观察的理论意义。



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