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Transmittance Measurement of a Heliostat Facility used in the Preflight Radiometric Calibration of Earth-Observing Sensors



Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation in Boulder, Colorado, has developed a heliostat facility that will be used to determine the preflight radiometric calibration of Earth-observing sensors that operate in the solar-reflective regime. While automatically tracking the Sun, the heliostat directs the solar beam inside a thermal vacuum chamber, where the sensor under test resides. The main advantage to using the Sun as the illumination source for preflight radiometric calibration is because it will also be the source of illumination when the sensor is in flight. This minimizes errors in the pre- and post-launch calibration due to spectral mismatches. It also allows the instrument under test to operate at irradiance values similar to those on orbit. The Remote Sensing Group at the University of Arizona measured the transmittance of the heliostat facility using three methods, the first of which is a relative measurement made using a hyperspectral portable spectroradiometer and well-calibrated reference panel. The second method is also a relative measurement, and uses a 12-channel automated solar radiometer. The final method is an absolute measurement using a hyperspectral spectroradiometer and reference panel combination, where the spectroradiometer is calibrated on site using a solar-radiation-based calibration.
机译:位于科罗拉多州博尔德的Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation开发了一个定日镜装置,该装置将用于确定在太阳反射状态下运行的对地观测传感器的飞行前辐射定标。在自动跟踪太阳的同时,定日镜将太阳光束引导到被测传感器所在的热真空室内。将太阳用作飞行前辐射度校准的照明源的主要优点是,当传感器飞行时,它也将成为照明源。这样可以将由于频谱不匹配而导致的发射前和发射后校准中的误差降至最低。它还允许被测仪器以与在轨辐照度相似的辐照度值运行。亚利桑那大学的遥感小组使用三种方法测量了定日镜设备的透射率,第一种方法是使用高光谱便携式光谱仪和校准良好的参考面板进行的相对测量。第二种方法也是相对测量,它使用12通道自动太阳辐射计。最终的方法是使用高光谱光谱仪和参考面板组合进行绝对测量,其中光谱仪使用基于太阳辐射的校准在现场进行校准。



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