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Spatio-temporal patterns in the distribution of the multi-mammate mouse, Mastomys natalensis, in rice crop and fallow land habitats in Tanzania

机译:坦桑尼亚水稻作物和休耕地中的大型哺乳动物老鼠Mastomys natalensis分布的时空格局



An understanding of the dispersion patterns of a pest is an important pre-requisite for developing an effective management programme for the pest. In this study, rodents were trapped in two rice fields and two fallow fields for three consecutive nights each month from June 2010 to May 2012. Mastomys natalensis was the most abundant rodent pest species in the study area, accounting for > 95% of the trapped rodent community. Rattus rattus, Dasymys incomtus, Acomys spinosissimus and Grammomys dolichurus comprised relatively small proportions of the trapped population. Morisita’s index of dispersion was used to measure the relative dispersal pattern aggregate, random, uniform) of individuals across each trapping grid as a means of comparing rodent distribution in rice and fallow fields over time. This analysis revealed that the rodents in rice fields generally exhibited an aggregated spatio-temporal distribution. However, the rodents in fallow fields were generally less aggregated, approaching a random distribution in some habitats and seasons. Heat maps of trapping grids visually confirmed these dispersal patterns, indicating the clumped or random nature of captured rodents. ANOVA showed that the parameters of habitat (rice, fallow), crop stage (transplanting, vegetative, booting, maturity) and cropping season (wet, dry) all significantly impacted the number of rodents captured, with the vegetative, dry season, fallow habitat having the highest number of rodents; and the transplanting, wet season, rice habitat with the least number of rodents. Therefore, such spatio-temporal patterns can serve as a tool for developing stratified biodiversity sampling plans for small mammals and decision making for rodent pest management strategies.
机译:了解有害生物的扩散模式是制定有效的有害生物管理计划的重要先决条件。在这项研究中,从2010年6月至2012年5月,啮齿动物每月连续三个晚上被困在两个稻田和两个休耕地中。纳豆菌是研究区域中最丰富的啮齿动物害虫,占被困动物的95%以上啮齿动物社区。褐家鼠,Dasymys incomtus,Acomys spinosissimus和Grammomys dolichurus占被困种群的比例相对较小。 Morisita的分散指数用于测量每个诱集网格中个体的相对分散模式(随机,均匀),以比较啮齿动物在稻田和休耕地中随时间的分布。该分析表明,稻田中的啮齿动物通常表现出聚集的时空分布。但是,休耕地中的啮齿动物通常聚集较少,在某些生境和季节接近随机分布。捕获网格的热图在视觉上证实了这些分散模式,表明捕获的啮齿动物呈团块状或随机性。方差分析表明,生境(大米,休耕地),作物生长阶段(移栽,营养,孕育,成熟)和种植季节(湿,干)的参数均显着影响捕获的啮齿动物的数量,其中营养,干燥季节,休耕生境啮齿动物数量最多;以及潮湿季节的啮齿动物数量最少的水稻生境。因此,这种时空格局可以作为为小型哺乳动物制定分层生物多样性采样计划以及制定啮齿类害虫管理策略的工具。



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