首页> 外文OA文献 >Archaic Pentatonic Melodies in Pindus Mountain –Range in Northern Greece. The hemitonic and anhemitonic pentatonic tunings in Greece and their contribution to the interpretation of early Ancient Greek musical forms

Archaic Pentatonic Melodies in Pindus Mountain –Range in Northern Greece. The hemitonic and anhemitonic pentatonic tunings in Greece and their contribution to the interpretation of early Ancient Greek musical forms




The hemitonic pentatonic tuning in Western Greece attested by the author and the anhemitonic tuning previously documented in the area of Epirus but apparently present in all Western Greece, were two main reasons for the investigation and classification of the co-related micro-scales found in the wider area of Pindus. Though many scholars both Greeks and others managed to explain the peculiarities of this musical system found in Western Greece and today’s Southern Albania (Northern Epirus), they failed to do so, as they attributed specific functionalities of the system to simple imitations of instrumental practices. Nonetheless extensive field research in the area of Pindus and in Northern Epirus reveal important correspondences between the function of the melodies of this contemporary system and the “obscure” information about the evolution of the musical system in Greek (and one might generally say) in Balkan antiquity.udTwo dimensions of this musical system are of great importance in relation to the ancient sources. The first is that hemitonic pentatonism (a tuning responsible for the genesis of the enharmonic genus in Antiquity) is still a part of the contemporary musical system in the Greek mainland. The other is that the combination of the two pentatonic tunings reveals a process that can come to a heptachord system existing in its on right. The functionality of the micro-scales also reveal in a unique way the importance of the witness of Nichomachus regarding the evolutionary process for the genesis of the octachord out of the heptachord system and the witness of Aristotle regarding the co-existence of two heptachord systems one “diatonic” and the other anhemitonic.udApart from the above conclusions, evaluating this data makes clear that it was possible for a diatonic heptachord system to appear by a combination of the two systems: the hemitonic and anhemitonic pentatonic. This information deviates from the theory of the blown fifths as it is based on vocal music. udud
机译:作者证明的希腊西部的半音五声调和以前在伊庇鲁斯地区记录的但现在显然存在于整个希腊西部的半音五声调,是调查和分类在希腊发现的相关微尺度的两个主要原因。 Pindus的面积更大。尽管许多希腊人和其他学者设法解释了在希腊西部和当今的阿尔巴尼亚南部(北伊庇鲁斯)发现的这种音乐系统的特殊性,但他们未能做到这一点,因为他们将系统的特定功能归因于简单地模仿乐器的做法。但是,在Pindus和北伊庇鲁斯地区进行了广泛的实地研究,发现该现代系统旋律的功能与有关希腊音乐系统发展的“晦涩”信息(在巴尔干地区,人们可能会普遍地说)之间有着重要的对应关系。 ud此音乐系统的两个维度相对于古代资源而言非常重要。首先是半音五音阶(一种调律,负责上古时期的谐音属的产生)仍然是希腊大陆当代音乐系统的一部分。另一个是两个五音调的组合揭示了一个过程,该过程可以进入右侧存在的七弦系统。微观尺度的功能性也以独特的方式揭示了尼古玛丘斯的见证人对八面体系统中八面体起源的进化过程的重要性,以及亚里士多德的见证人对两种七面体系统共存的重要性。除上述结论外,对这些数据进行评估还清楚地表明,对渗七面体系统可能会通过两个系统的组合出现:半渗性和无变性五元性。由于基于声乐,此信息与吹五进五的理论不同。 ud ud


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    Katsanevaki Athena;

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