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Factors Affecting Work Satisfaction of the Village Midwives At Sidenreng Rappang Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia




Introduction: Work satisfaction is something that could improve the capability and competence of an employee especially the village midwives. The village midwives admitted had an important position in maternal and child community health services, in order to avoid dissatisfaction; they should have high motivation, more diligent and perseverance to do their job. The study aimed to examine relationship between factors affecting work satisfaction of the village midwives in Sidenreng Rappang Regency, Indonesia in 2015.udMaterials and methods: This study was analytical-observational with cross sectional design, whereas the work, promotion, supervision, incentive, work condition, co-worker become Independent variable and work satisfaction as dependent variable. This study recruited all the midwives about 152 midwives, who work in the community health services in the villages. The data analysis was conducted using the Chi-square test and the Logistic Regression analysis.udResults: The research showed that out of 152 midwives, 92.1% satisfy as village midwives, and only 7.9% dissatisfy as village midwives. The research indicated that the factors correlated with the work satisfaction were the work (p=0.003), the promotion (p=0.019), the supervision (p=0.050, the work condition (p=0.012), and the co-worker (p=0.016). In addition, it was also found that there was no significant correlation between the incentive and work satisfaction of the village midwives (p=0.126). On the other hand, the most significant correlation with the work satisfaction was the work itself (p=0,000), Exp (B) 57.5 was greater than any other factors.udConclusion: This study suggested that supporting facilities and good infrastructures of health service, monitoring and evaluation of the midwives job, then followed by equal incentive and supporting policy will produce work satisfaction.
机译:简介:工作满意度可以提高员工的能力和能力,尤其是乡村助产士。为了避免不满,被接纳的乡村助产士在母婴社区保健服务中具有重要地位;他们应该有很高的动力,更多的勤奋和毅力去做自己的工作。这项研究旨在研究2015年影响印度尼西亚锡德伦格·拉邦摄政村乡村助产士工作满意度的因素之间的关系。 ud材料与方法:本研究采用横断面设计进行分析观察,而工作,晋升,监督,激励,工作条件,同事成为自变量,工作满意度成为因变量。这项研究招募了大约152名助产士,这些助产士在村庄的社区卫生服务部门工作。结果:该研究表明,在152名助产士中,有92.1%的人对乡村助产士感到满意,而只有7.9%的人对乡村助产士不满意。研究表明,与工作满意度相关的因素是工作(p = 0.003),晋升(p = 0.019),监督(p = 0.050),工作条件(p = 0.012)和同事(p p = 0.016),此外,还发现村庄助产士的激励与工作满意度之间没有显着相关性(p = 0.126),而与工作满意度最相关的是工作本身(p = 0,000),实验(B)57.5大于任何其他因素。 ud结论:这项研究表明,要支持卫生服务的设施和良好的基础设施,对助产士的工作进行监测和评估,然后再进行同等的激励和支持政策将产生工作满意度。



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