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Comparison of Construction Costs for Vegetated Treatment Systems in the Midwest




Vegetated treatment systems (VTSs) provide an alternative to containment basin systems for beef feedlot runoff control. Beef producers in the Midwestern United States have shown an increasing interest in using VTSs as a perceived lower cost option to containment basin systems. This paper reports the actual construction costs associated with 21 VTSs (eight on permitted Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and 13 on non permitted Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs)) located within Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. The VTS construction costs are reported on a per head basis in 2009 adjusted dollars for each system. Cost comparisons are presented between CAFO and AFO facilities, by location and by system type. Additionally, estimated construction cost comparisons between open feedlots with VTS systems, open feedlots with containment basins, monoslope barns and hoop structure beef production systems are provided. Results from the cost comparison indicate that monoslope barns with concrete floors are the highest cost at $621 per head on average followed by hoop structures at $395 per head. Vegetated Treatment Systems designed for CAFO facilities ($77 per head avg.) are less expensive to construct than a traditional containment basin ($129 per head avg.) The same results indicated that an AFO VTS ($62 per head avg.) was less expensive to build than a containment basin on a similar facility ($195 per head). The data indicated that the least expensive VTS for an AFO is a sloped or sloped and level VTA ($42 per head avg.) followed by a pump sloped VTA ($68 per head avg.) and a sprinkler VTS ($87 per head avg.).
机译:植被处理系统(VTS)提供了替代控制盆系统的方法,用于牛肉饲养场径流控制。美国中西部的牛肉生产商对使用VTS作为遏制盆地系统的一种低成本选择表示出越来越浓厚的兴趣。本文报告了位于爱荷华州,明尼苏达州,南达科他州和内布拉斯加州的21个VTS的实际建设成本(其中8个在许可的集中动物饲养业务(CAFO),13个在非动物饲养业务(AFO))。 VTS的建设成本按2009年调整后的每个系统的美元计算,按人均报告。根据位置和系统类型,比较了CAFO和AFO设施之间的成本。此外,还提供了带有VTS系统的露天饲养场,带有安全壳的露天饲养场,单坡谷仓和环形结构牛肉生产系统之间的估算建设成本比较。成本比较的结果表明,具有混凝土地板的单坡谷仓的平均成本最高,平均为每头621美元,其次是箍结构,每头395美元。为CAFO设施设计的植被处理系统(每人平均$ 77)比传统的安全盆(每人平均$ 129)便宜。同样的结果表明,AFO VTS(每人平均$ 62)比在类似设施上建造一个安全壳(每人$ 195)。数据表明,最便宜的AFO VTS是倾斜或倾斜的水平VTA(每人平均$ 42),其次是泵倾斜VTA(每人平均$ 68)和洒水VTS(每人平均$ 87)。 。



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