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Comparing personal insight gains due to consideration of a recent dream and consideration of a recent event using the Ullman and Schredl dream group methods




There have been reports and claims in the psychotherapeutic literature that theudconsideration of recent dreams can result in personal realizations and insight. Thereudis theoretical support for these claims from work on rapid eye movement (REM)udsleep having a function of the consolidation of emotional memories and the creativeudformation of connections between new and older memories. To investigate theseudclaims, 11 participants (10 females, one male) reported and considered a recentudhome dream in a dream discussion group that following the “Appreciating dreams”udmethod of Montague Ullman. The group ran 11 times, each participant attending andudparticipating once. A further nine participants (seven females, two males) reportedudand considered a recent home dream in a group that followed the “Listening to theuddreamer” method of Michael Schredl. The two studies each had a control conditionudwhere the participant also reported a recent event, the consideration of which followedudthe same technique as was followed for the dream report. Outcomes of the discussionsudwere assessed by the participants on the Gains from Dream Interpretation (GDI) scale,udand on its counterpart, the Gains from Event Interpretation scale. High ratings on theudGDI experiential-insight subscale were reported for both methods, when applied touddreams, and for the Ullman method Exploration-Insight ratings for the dream conditionudwere significantly higher than for the control event condition. In the Ullman method,udself-assessment of personal insight due to consideration of dream content was alsoudsignificantly higher than for the event consideration condition. The findings support theudview that benefits can be obtained from the consideration of dream content, in termsudof identifying the waking life sources of dream content, and because personal insightudmay also occur. To investigate the mechanisms for the findings, the studies should beudrepeated with REM and non-REM dream reports, hypothesizing greater insight from theudformer.
机译:心理治疗学文献中已有报道和主张,对最近的梦的未加考虑可能会导致个人认识和见识。从快速眼动(REM)睡眠状态的工作对这些主张的理论支持,具有情感记忆的巩固和新旧记忆之间联系的创造性/畸变的功能。为了调查这些的称赞,有11位参与者(10位女性,一位男性)报告并考虑了梦游小组中最近的 udhome梦,该梦讨论组遵循Montague Ullman的“欣赏梦想” udmethod。小组跑了11次,每个参与者参加和参加一次。另有9位参与者(7位女性,2位男性)报告了 udand并考虑了迈克尔·史瑞德尔(Michael Schredl)的“听 uddreamer”方法中的一个家庭梦。两项研究均具有对照条件,其中参与者还报告了最近发生的事件,对该项事件的考虑遵循与梦想报告所采用的相同技术。讨论的结果由参与者根据“梦想解释的收益(GDI)量表”进行评估, udand与之相对应,由“事件解释的收益”量表进行评估。当将两种方法应用于 uddreams时,都报告了 udGDI体验-洞察量表的高评分,而针对梦境的Ullman方法Exploration-Insight评分 ud远高于对照事件条件。在Ullman方法中,由于考虑了梦的内容,对个人见解的自我评估也比对事件考虑条件的评估高得多。这些发现支持 udview,即可以从梦内容的考虑中获得收益,这可以从 uof确定梦内容的醒来生命来源的角度来看,并且因为也可能发生个人见识。要调查发现结果的机制,应在研究中不要使用REM和非REM梦境报告,并假设来自超声者的洞察力更大。



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