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Dynamics of parental work hours, job insecurity, and child wellbeing during middle childhood in Australian dual-income families




This study examines the relationship between parental employment characteristics and child well-being during middle childhood in Australian dual-earner families. Parental employment provides important resources for children’s wellbeing, but may also be associated with variations in parental time availability, parental stress levels and wellbeing, differences in parenting styles and variations in household dynamics. Further, there may be gender differences in how mothers’ and fathers’ employment characteristics relate to child wellbeing, as well as variations by age. Our study contributes to existing research by 1) examining longitudinal data that enables us to examine changes in the association between parental work hours, job insecurity and child wellbeing, within and across parent-child relationships; 2) focusing on dual-employed households to examine the effects of mothers’ and fathers’ employment characteristics on girls’ and boys’ wellbeing; and 3) testing possible mediators in the relationship between parental employment characteristics and child well-being. Drawing on 3 waves of data from two cohorts of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (N = 3,216), from 2004 to 2012, we find that mothers who work long hours on average over the study period have children with poorer socio emotional development, while fathers with increasing work hours have children with poorer socio-emotional development. Mothers’ job security is associated with better child development comparing both across mothers and within mothers over time. We find little evidence that these associations are mediated by parenting style or work-family balance, suggesting further research is needed to understand the mechanisms linking parental employment with children’s outcomes.
机译:这项研究探讨了澳大利亚双职工家庭父母职业特征与儿童中期幸福感之间的关系。父母的工作为孩子的幸福提供了重要的资源,但也可能与父母的可利用时间,父母的压力水平和幸福感的变化,育儿方式的差异以及家庭动态的变化有关。此外,在父亲和母亲的就业特征与儿童福祉的关系以及年龄的变化方面,可能存在性别差异。我们的研究对现有的研究做出了贡献,包括:1)检查纵向数据,使我们能够检查父母工作时间,工作不安全感和儿童幸福之间,亲子关系之间以及父母之间的关系的变化; 2)着眼于双工家庭,研究父母的就业特征对女孩和男孩的幸福感的影响; 3)测试父母的就业特征与孩子的幸福感之间可能的中介。根据2004年至2012年澳大利亚儿童纵向研究的两个队列(N = 3,216)的3组数据,我们发现在研究期间平均工作时间较长的母亲的孩子的社会情感发展较差,而工作时间增加的父亲的孩子的社会情感发展较差。母亲的工作安全与更好的孩子成长有关,这与母亲之间以及随着时间的推移在母亲内部进行比较有关。我们几乎没有证据表明这些联系是由父母的养育方式或工作与家庭的平衡所介导的,这表明需要进一步的研究来了解将父母就业与孩子的结局联系起来的机制。



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