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The Visibility of Airborne Volcanic Ash from the Flight Deck of an Aircraft – The Effect of Clouds in the Field of View



In April 2010, the volcanic ash cloud from the Eyjafjalla volcano in Iceland strongly impacted aviation in Europe. Several other incidents in the past have shown that volcanic ash can have severe consequences on aviation. One operational necessity is, therefore, to determine whether a pilot has the means to avoid flying through potentially dangerous volcanic ash just by visual observation of the sky from the cockpit of an aircraft. Here we investigate how clouds affect the visibility of a volcanic ash aerosol layer for an observer in the cockpit of an aircraft using a 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer model MYSTIC. This study builds on the results of a previous study on the visibility of airborne volcanic ash in Weinzierl et al. (2012) where we considered the cloud-free case. With clouds, the discernibility of ash layers is substantially reduced. Even layers with comparably high mass concentrations of 2 mg m−3 might not be visible for uninformed observers.
机译:2010年4月,冰岛艾亚菲亚拉火山喷发的火山灰云对欧洲的航空业产生了强烈影响。过去发生的其他几起事件表明,火山灰会对航空造成严重后果。因此,一种操作上的必要性是仅通过目视观察飞机驾驶舱的天空来确定飞行员是否具有避免飞过潜在危险的火山灰的手段。在这里,我们使用3D蒙特卡洛辐射传递模型MYSTIC,研究云如何影响飞机驾驶舱内观察者的火山灰气溶胶层的能见度。这项研究是基于Weinzierl等人先前关于空中火山灰可见性研究的结果。 (2012),我们考虑了无云案例。有了云,灰层的可分辨性大大降低了。即使是相对较高质量浓度为2 mg m-3的层,对于不知情的观察者也可能看不见。



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