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Early Eocene environmental development in the northern Peri-Tethys (Aktulagay, Kazakhstan) based on benthic foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopes (O, C)




The Aktulagay section in Kazakhstan provides an expanded northern Tethyan record of the middle Ypresian (calcareous nannoplankton zones NP11–13, ~54–50 Ma), including the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). The marl sequence features a series of sapropel beds, observed throughout the Peri-Tethys, indicative of the basin-wide occurrence of episodic hypoxic events. In order to unravel the paleoenvironmental evolution at Aktulagay during this period of global warming, we investigated the benthic foraminiferal record by means of a detailed multivariate analysis of the > 63 μm fraction, as well as through stable isotopic (C, O) investigations on excellently preserved benthic foraminiferal specimens.The Alashen Formation (NP11 to lower NP12; ~54 to 52.5 Ma), in the lower part of the sequence, contains a diverse assemblage of deep outer neritic (~200–250 m) benthic foraminifera, with common Pulsiphonina prima and Paralabamina lunata. The seafloor conditions are interpreted as initially (54 Ma) well-ventilated and oligo- to mesotrophic, gradually changing to more eutrophic and oxygen-limited, culminating in more permanent low oxygen conditions and eutrophy in the sapropel-bearing Aktulagay B1 unit (middle NP12; ~52.5-52 Ma). The latter conclusion is corroborated by the dominance of Anomalinoides acutus and Bulimina aksuatica and the lower diversity. Also the upward migration of endobenthic species to the sediment–water interface, as suggested by rising δ13Cendobenthic values, supports this interpretation. A transgression, which flooded lowlands, might have caused this development. In the Aktulagay B2 unit (top NP12–NP13; ~52–50 Ma), benthic foraminiferal assemblages dominated by Epistominella minuta suggest an oligotrophic environment, with transient pulses of phytodetritus and moderate ventilation.The Aktulagay B2 unit coincides with the peak temperature interval of the EECO, as indicated by its position close to the base of NP13 and rising δ13Cepibenthic values. Large river plumes, episodically reaching the area, in a monsoonal climatic context, might explain this basin development. Although it is not unlikely that some of the observed patterns are related to long-term climate change, it can currently not be excluded that changing paleogeography and variable connections to the Tethys, Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean were responsible for the long-term period with dysoxia and anoxia during deposition of the sapropel beds at the Peri-Tethyan seafloor. The evolution of the basin as observed in Aktulagay shows similarities to the evolution of the North Sea Basin as observed in Denmark, suggesting that these basins were connected during the Early Eocene.
机译:哈萨克斯坦的阿克塔拉盖(Aktulagay)部分提供了特里斯邦中部北部的扩张记录(钙质的纳米浮游生物区NP11-13,〜54-50 Ma),包括早始新世气候最适宜区(EECO)。泥灰岩层序具有一系列腐殖质床,在整个特提斯山脉都观察到,表明整个盆地发生了突发性缺氧事件。为了揭示这一全球变暖时期阿克图拉盖的古环境演变,我们通过对> 63μm分数进行详细的多变量分析,并通过稳定的同位素(C,O)研究,对底栖有孔虫记录进行了调查。保存的底栖有孔虫标本。该序列下部的Alashen地层(NP11至NP12下限;〜54至52.5 Ma)包含深外层底栖有孔虫(〜200–250 m)的不同组合,常见的是Pulsiphonina prima和Paralabamina lunata。海底条件被解释为最初(54 Ma)通风良好且低营养至中营养,逐渐变为富营养化和氧受限,最终导致更持久的低氧条件和带有腐殖土的Aktulagay B1单元富营养化(NP12中间) ;〜52.5-52 Ma)。后一种结论得到了Acutus acutus和Bulimina aksuatica的优势以及较低多样性的支持。 δ13​​齿状体值的升高也表明,底栖动物向沉积物-水界面的向上迁移也支持这种解释。侵略低地的海侵可能导致了这一发展。在Aktulagay B2单元(顶部NP12–NP13;〜52–50 Ma)中,以短小上皮梭菌为支配的底栖有孔虫组合表明为贫营养环境,具有植物碎屑的瞬时脉冲和适度的通风。AktulagayB2单元与温度峰值区间EECO,如其位置靠近NP13的基点和δ13Cepibenthic值升高。在季风性气候条件下,大面积的河流羽流以流行的方式到达该地区,这可能解释了该盆地的发展。尽管观测到的某些模式与长期的气候变化有关的可能性不大,但目前尚不能排除古地理的变化以及与特提斯,大西洋和北冰洋的可变联系是造成长期变化的原因。在佩里-特提斯海底沉积腐腐床过程中发生了运动障碍和缺氧。在阿克图拉盖(Aktulagay)观察到的盆地演化与在丹麦观察到的北海盆地的演化相似,这表明这些盆地在始新世初期是相连的。



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