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The arterial blood supply of the temporomandibular joint: an anatomical study and clinical implications.




Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze three-dimensional images of the arterial supply to the temporomandibularudjoint.udMaterials and Methods: Ten patients (five men and five women, mean age 36 years) without signs or symptoms ofudtemporomandibular disorders, who underwent contrast-enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scanning withudintravenous contrast, were studied. The direct volume rendering technique of CT images was used, and a data set ofudimages to visualize the vasculature of the human temporomandibular joint in three dimensions was created. Afterudelaboration of the data through post-processing, the arterial supply of the temporomandibular joint was studied.udResults: The analysis revealed the superficial temporal artery, the anterior tympanic artery, the deep temporaludartery, the auricular posterior artery, the transverse facial artery, the middle meningeal artery, and the maxillaryudartery with their branches as the main arterial sources for the lateral and medial temporomandibular joint.udConclusion: The direct volume rendering technique was found to be successful in the assessment of the arterialudsupply to the temporomandibular joint. The superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery ran along the lateraludand medial sides of the condylar neck, suggesting that these arteries are at increased risk during soft-tissue proceduresudsuch as an elective arthroplasty of the temporomandibular joint.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是分析颞下颌关节的动脉供血的三维图像。 ud材料与方法:十例(五男五女,平均年龄36岁)没有颞下颌骨的体征或症状研究了接受了静脉内造影剂对比增强计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描的疾病。使用了CT图像的直接体绘制技术,并创建了 udimages数据集,以三维方式显示了人类颞下颌关节的脉管系统。通过后处理对数据进行歧义化处理后,研究了颞下颌关节的动脉供应。 ud结果:分析显示颞浅动脉,前鼓膜动脉,颞深动脉,耳后动脉,横动脉面部动脉,脑膜中动脉和上/下动脉及其分支是颞下颌关节外侧和内侧的主要动脉来源。 ud结论:发现直接容积渲染技术在评估动脉/供血量方面是成功的到颞下颌关节。颞浅动脉和上颌动脉沿着con突颈的外侧内侧延伸,这表明在软组织手术例如颞下颌关节的人工关节置换术中,这些动脉的风险增加。



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