首页> 外文OA文献 >Analysis of Extensive FeFe Hydrogenase Gene DiversityudWithin the Gut Microbiota of Insects Representing FiveudFamilies of Dictyoptera

Analysis of Extensive FeFe Hydrogenase Gene DiversityudWithin the Gut Microbiota of Insects Representing FiveudFamilies of Dictyoptera

机译:广泛的FeFe加氢酶基因多样性分析 ud在代表五 ud的昆虫肠道菌群内鳞翅目的家庭



We have designed and utilized degenerate primers in the phylogenetic analysis of [FeFe] hydrogenase gene diversity in the gut ecosystems of roaches and lower termites. H2 is an important free intermediate in the breakdown of wood by termite gut microbial communities, reaching concentrations in some species exceeding those measured for any other biological system. The primers designed target with specificity the largest group of enzymatic H domain proteins previously identified in a termite gut metagenome. “Family 3” hydrogenase sequences were amplified from the guts of lower termites, Incisitermes minor, Zootermopsis nevadensis, and Reticulitermes hesperus, and two roaches, Cryptocercus punctulatus and Periplaneta americana. Subsequent analyses revealed that all termite and Cryptocercus sequences were phylogenetically distinct from non-termiteassociated hydrogenases available from public databases. The abundance of unique sequence operational taxonomic units (as many as 21 from each species) underscores the previously demonstrated physiological importance of H2 to the gut ecosystems of these wood-feeding insects. The diversity of sequences observed might be reflective of multiple niches that the enzymes have been evolved to accommodate. Sequences cloned from Cryptocercus and the lower termite samples, all of which are wood feeding insects, clustered closely with one another in phylogenetic analyses to the exclusion of alleles from P. americana, an omnivorous cockroach, also cloned during this study. We present primers targeting a family of termite gut [FeFe] hydrogenases and provide results that are consistent with a pivotal role for hydrogen in the termite gut ecosystem and point towardudunique evolutionary adaptations to the gut ecosystem.
机译:我们已经设计和利用简并引物在蟑螂和下白蚁肠道生态系统中的[FeFe]氢化酶基因多样性的系统发育分析中。 H2是白蚁肠道微生物群落分解木材时的重要游离中间体,某些物种中的H2浓度超过任何其他生物系统所测量的浓度。设计的引物特异性靶向白蚁肠元基因组中先前鉴定的最大组酶促H结构域蛋白。从较低的白蚁,小白蚁,小黑线虫,和网毛白蚁以及两个蟑螂,点刺隐孢子虫和美洲大i的内脏中扩增“家族3”氢化酶序列。随后的分析表明,所有白蚁和隐尾虫序列在系统发育上与可从公共数据库获得的非白蚁相关的氢酶不同。大量独特的序列操作分类单位(每个物种多达21个)突显了先前证明的H2对这些以木食为食的昆虫的肠道生态系统的生理重要性。观察到的序列的多样性可能反映了酶已经进化到可以适应的多个生态位。从隐尾虫和下层白蚁样本(均为食木昆虫)中克隆的序列在系统发育分析中彼此紧密簇合,以排除杂食性蟑螂美洲等位基因,该研究中也克隆了这些等位基因。我们提出了针对白蚁肠[FeFe]氢化酶家族的引物,并提供了与氢在白蚁肠生态系统中的关键作用相一致的结果,并指出了对肠道生态系统的 ud独特的进化适应。



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