首页> 外文OA文献 >Origins of late- Pleistocene coastal dune sheets, Magdalena and Guerrero Negro, from continental shelf low-stand supply (70–20 ka), under conditions of southeast littoral- and eolian-sand transport, in Baja California Sur, Mexico

Origins of late- Pleistocene coastal dune sheets, Magdalena and Guerrero Negro, from continental shelf low-stand supply (70–20 ka), under conditions of southeast littoral- and eolian-sand transport, in Baja California Sur, Mexico

机译:来自欧式货架低销供应(70-20 kA),在东南部的陆地和烧沙运输的条件下,在Baja California Sur,墨西哥的条件下,Magdalena和Guerrero Negro的起源



Shallow morpho-stratigraphic sections (n = 11) in each of two large coastal dune sheets including the Magdalena (7000 km2) and Guerrero Negro (8000 km2) dune sheets, from the Pacific Ocean side of Baja California Sur, Mexico, have been analyzed for dune deposit age. The shallow morpho-stratigraphic sections (∼2-10 m depth) include 11 new TL and 14C ages, and paleosol chronosequences, that differentiate cemented late Pleistocene dune deposits (20.7 ± 2.1 to 99.8 ± 9.4 ka) from uncemented Holocene dune deposits (0.7 ± 0.05 to at least 3.2 ± 0.3 ka). Large linear dune ridges (5-10 m in height) in the dune sheet interiors trend southeast and are generally of late Pleistocene age (∼70-20 ka). The late Pleistocene dune deposits reflect eolian transport of marine sand across the emerged continental shelf (30-50 km southeast distance) from low-stand paleo-shorelines (-100 ± 25 m elevation), which were locally oriented nearly orthogonal to modeled deep-water wave directions (∼300° TN). During the Holocene marine transgression, onshore and alongshore wave transport delivered remobilized shelf-sand deposits to the nearshore areas of the large dune sheets, building extensive barrier islands and sand spits. Submerged back-barrier lagoons generally precluded marine sand supply to dune sheet interiors in middle to late Holocene time, though exceptions occur along some ocean and lagoon shorelines. Reactivation of the late Pleistocene dune deposits in the dune sheet interiors lead to generally thin (1-3 m thickness), but widespread, covers of Holocene dune deposits (0.41 ± 0.05 to 10.5 ± 1.6 ka). Mechanical drilling will be required to penetrate indurated subsoil caliche layers to reach basal Pleistocene dune deposits.
机译:在包括Magdalena(7000 km2)和Guerrero Negro(8000平方公里)的两张大沿海沙丘床单中的浅层地层部分(n = 11)已经分析了来自墨西哥的Baja California Sur的太平洋地区对于沙丘存款年龄。浅层地层段(〜2-10米深度)包括11个新的T1和14℃,以及古醇素的血糖序列,从未公开的全新世沙丘沉积物(0.7)区分水泥晚普利茂沙丘沉积物(20.7±2.1至99.8±9.4 ka)(0.7 ±0.05至至少3.2±0.3 ka)。沙丘片内部的大线性沙丘脊(5-10米高)趋势东南,通常是晚期渗透龄(〜70-20 kA)。迟到的更新世沙丘沉积物反映了越野陆地架(30-50 km东南距离)的海洋沙子的Eolian运输来自低头古海岸(-100±25米海拔),该古老海岸(-100±25米海拔)几乎正交到深入模拟 - 水波方向(~300°Tn)。在全新世海运中,陆上和沿海波路运输将重新化的搁板砂矿床送到大沙丘床单的近岸地区,建立广泛的屏障群岛和沙子吐痰。淹没的后障局部潜水泻湖通常排除海洋沙子供应到全新世时间中期至晚期的沙丘片内部,尽管沿着某些海洋和泻湖海岸线发生异常。重新激活了沙丘片内部的后冬肾上腺沙丘沉积物导致一般薄(1-3米厚),但覆盖全新世沙丘沉积物(0.41±0.05至10.5±1.6 ka)。将需要机械钻孔来穿透封闭的底层Caliche层,以达到基础普利酮族沙丘沉积物。



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