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Route-cost-assignment with joint user and operator behavior as a many-to-one stable matching assignment game




We propose a generalized market equilibrium model using assignment gamecriteria for evaluating transportation systems that consist of both operatorsand users: fixed route transit, multimodal systems, and Mobility-as-a-Servicein general. The model finds stable pricing and matches between users in anetwork with a set of routes with line capacities. The proposed model gives aset of stable outcomes instead of single point pricing that allows operators todesign their ticket pricing based on a desired mechanism or policy (as opposedto other matching studies that focus on operating a specific mechanism design).We look at three different examples to test our model. As a case study weevaluate taxi ridesharing in NYC. Based on the taxi data and study area inLower Manhattan, the model justifies a market share of 71.8% of users thatwould take shared rides. Sharing taxi results in a 31.4% decrease in travelmileage. The model suggests that adopting a policy that can require passengersto walk up to 1 block away to meet with a shared taxi would require theoperating cost savings to exceed the $0.44/traveler by another $0.13 if they donot wish to turn away any of these passengers.
机译:我们提出了一种普遍的市场均衡模型,用于评估由运输系统组成的运输系统:固定路由传输,多模式系统和移动式AS-Servicein将军。该模型在anetwork中找到稳定的定价和匹配,其中一组具有线容量的路由。拟议的模型使ASET稳定的结果而不是单点定价,允许运营商基于所需的机制或政策(而不是专注于操作特定机制设计的其他匹配研究)来批准其票价。我们看三个不同的例子测试我们的模型。以纽约州纽约的案例研究Weevaluate ridesharing。基于出租车数据和学习区曼哈顿,该模型证明了71.8%的市场份额,其中包括共享骑行。分享出租车导致旅行总线减少31.4%。该模型表明,采用能够要求Passengtersto的政策距离共享的出租车最多可以走出1个街区,如果他们不愿意拒绝任何这些乘客,那么在另外的价格0.13美元将需要节省0.44美元/旅行者。



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