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Theoretical study of fluid forces on a centrifugal impeller rotating and whirling in a volute.




Interview in six sessions in January and February 2001 with John D. Baldeschwieler, J. Stanley Johnson Professor and professor of chemistry, emeritus, in the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Dr. Baldeschwieler received his bachelor's in chemical engineering from Cornell in 1956 and his PhD in 1959 from UC Berkeley.He begins by recalling his childhood and early education in Cranford, N.J. His father, an analytical chemist, emigrated from Switzerland and his mother from Manitoba. He matriculated at Cornell in 1951 and enrolled in ROTC during the Korean War. Recalls summer work at Los Alamos and graduate school at Berkeley 1956-1959; his thesis on infrared spectroscopy, with George Pimentel; interest in instrument building. After six months' active duty at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., joins the Harvard faculty; becomes a consultant for Aberdeen. Early work with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Invited to Stanford as associate professor in 1965, where he works on electron cyclotron resonance, in connection with Varian Associates.Joins Army Scientific Advisory Panel; works on "people sensors" during the Vietnam War. Appointed to PSAC (President's Science Advisory Committee); discussion of defoliant Agent Orange. Becomes deputy director of the Office of Science and Technology in 1970, during first Nixon administration; takes a leave from Stanford and moves to Washington, D.C. Recalls the debates on biological warfare and on whether or not to build the SST (supersonic transport). Recollections of various figures in the Nixon administration. Resigns from government in December 1972 and goes to work at the National Cancer Institute for six months.Invited to become chairman of Caltech's Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Arrives in 1973, during Harold Brown's presidency; discusses his close relationship with Brown and his reorganizing of chemistry division, of which he remains chairman until 1978. Meanwhile, consults for Monsanto and Merck and becomes involved in the US-Soviet joint scientific program. Visits the USSR in the early 1970s. Travels with Glenn Seaborg on the first chemistry delegation to China in 1978. Work on binding liposomes to cancer cells in the late '70s; forms company called Vestar to commercialize the technique as a diagnostic tool. Collaboration with the City of Hope. Discussion of patenting and licensing of discoveries made at Caltech and of proposed high-tech corridor for Pasadena.He concludes the interview by remarking on his children and stepchildren and their work, and he lists the various technology companies he has helped to establish.
机译:2001年1月和2001年2月,在化学与化学工程学系与John D. Baldeschwieler,J。Stanley Johnson教授以及名誉化学教授,名誉教授进行了六次访谈。 Baldeschwieler博士于1956年从康奈尔大学获得化学工程学士学位,并于1959年从UC Berkeley取得博士学位。他回忆起他在新泽西州Cranford的童年和早期教育,他的父亲是一位分析化学家,从瑞士移民,他的母亲从曼尼托巴(Manitoba)移居。 。他于1951年在康奈尔大学就读,并在朝鲜战争期间加入了ROTC。回顾1956-1959年在洛斯阿拉莫斯(Los Alamos)和研究生院在伯克利(Berkeley)的暑期工作;他与乔治·皮门特尔(George Pimentel)撰写的红外光谱论文;对仪器制造的兴趣。在马里兰州阿伯丁试验场工作了六个月后,他加入了哈佛大学。成为阿伯丁的顾问。核磁共振(NMR)的早期工作。 1965年应斯坦福大学的邀请担任副教授,在那里他与Varian Associates一起从事电子回旋共振的研究。在越南战争期间从事“人体感应器”的研究。被任命为PSAC(总统科学咨询委员会);脱叶剂橙色的讨论。 1970年尼克松首次任职期间担任科学技术办公室副主任;从斯坦福大学休假,搬到华盛顿特区,回想一下有关生物战以及是否建造SST(超音速运输)的辩论。尼克松政府中各种人物的回忆。 1972年12月从政府辞职,并在美国国家癌症研究所工作了六个月。应邀担任加州理工学院化学与化学工程学系主任。于1973年在哈罗德·布朗(Harold Brown)担任总统期间抵达;讨论了他与布朗的密切关系以及他改组的化学部门,直到1978年他仍担任该部门的主席。与此同时,他还为孟山都和默克公司提供咨询,并参与了美苏联合科学计划。 1970年代初访问苏联。 1978年随Glenn Seaborg第一次化学代表团访问中国。70年代后期,脂质体与癌细胞的结合研究;成立了名为Vestar的公司以将该技术作为诊断工具进行商业化。与希望之城的合作。在对Caltech的发现进行专利和许可以及对帕萨迪纳的拟议高科技走廊的讨论中,他在讲话中总结了他的子女和继子女及其工作,并列举了他帮助建立的各种技术公司。



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