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International surveillance of bloodstream infections due to Candida species: Frequency of occurrence and in vitro susceptibilities to fluconazole, ravuconazole, and voriconazole of isolates collected from 1997 through 1999 in the SENTRY antimicrobial surveillance program




A surveillance program (SENTRY) of bloodstream infections (BSI) in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Europe from 1997 through 1999 detected 1,184 episodes of candidemia in 71 medical centers (32 in the United States, 23 in Europe, 9 in Latin America, and 7 in Canada). Overall, 55% of the yeast BSIs were due to Candida albicans, followed by Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis (15%), Candida tropicalis (9%), and miscellaneous Candida spp. (6%). in the United States, 45% of candidemias were due to non-C. albicans species. C. glabrata (21%) was the most common non-C. albicans species in the United States, and the proportion of non-C. albicans BSIs was highest in Latin America (55%). C. albicans accounted for 60% of BSI in Canada and 58% in Europe. C. parapsilosis was the most common non-C. albicans species in Latin America (25%), Canada (16%), and Europe (17%). Isolates of C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis were all highly susceptible to fluconazole (97 to 100% at less than or equal to8 mug/ml). Likewise, 97 to 100% of these species were inhibited by less than or equal to1 mug/ml of ravuconazole (concentration at which 50% were inhibited [MIC50], 0.007 to 0.03 mug/ml) or voriconazole (MIC50, 0.007 to 0.06 mug/ml). Both ravaconazole and voriconazole were significantly more active than fluconazole against C. glabrata ((MIC(90)s of 0.5 to 1.0 mug/ml versus 16 to 32 mug/ml, respectively). A trend of increased susceptibility of C.. glabrata to fluconazole was noted over the three-year period. the percentage of C. glabrata isolates susceptible to fluconazole increased from 48% in 1997 to 84% in 1999, and MIC(50)s decreased from 16 to 4 mug/ml. A similar trend was documented in both the Americas (57 to 84% susceptible) and Europe (22 to 80% susceptible). Some geographic differences in susceptibility to triazole were observed with Canadian isolates generally more susceptible than isolates from the United States and Europe. These observations suggest susceptibility patterns and trends among yeast isolates from BSI and raise additional questions that can be answered only by continued surveillance and clinical investigations of the type reported here (SENTRY Program).
机译:1997年至1999年,美国,加拿大,拉丁美洲和欧洲的血液感染(BSI)监测程序(SENTRY)在71个医疗中心(美国32个,欧洲23个,欧洲9个拉丁美洲和加拿大的7个)。总体而言,55%的酵母BSI是由白色念珠菌引起的,其次是光滑念珠菌和副念珠菌(15%),热带念珠菌(9%)和其他念珠菌。 (6%)。在美国,有45%的念珠菌病是由于非C引起的。白色的物种。光滑梭状芽胞杆菌(21%)是最常见的非梭状芽孢杆菌。美国的白色念珠菌种和非丙种的比例。白色念珠菌的BSI在拉丁美洲最高(55%)。白色念珠菌在加拿大的BSI中占60%,在欧洲占58%。副翼念珠菌是最常见的非丙种。拉丁美洲(25%),加拿大(16%)和欧洲(17%)的白色念珠菌物种。白色念珠菌,副念珠菌和热带念珠菌的分离物均对氟康唑高度敏感(在小于或等于8杯/毫升的情况下为97%至100%)。同样地,这些物种中的97%至100%被小于或等于1马克杯/毫升的拉伏康唑(50%的抑制浓度[MIC50],0.007至0.03马克杯/毫升)或伏立康唑(MIC50,0.007至0.06马克杯)抑制/ ml)。拉伐康唑和伏立康唑均比氟康唑对光滑小球藻的活性明显更高((MIC(90)分别为0.5至1.0杯/毫升,而MIC(90)s为16至32杯/毫升)。三年期间注意到氟康唑,对氟康唑敏感的光滑毛状线虫分离株的百分比从1997年的48%增加到1999年的84%,而MIC(50)从16杯/毫升降低到4杯/毫升。在美洲(57-84%易感人群)和欧洲(22-80%易感人群)均有记录,加拿大分离株对三唑的易感性在地理上普遍存在差异,加拿大分离株通常比美国和欧洲分离株敏感。 BSI酵母分离物中的敏感性模式和趋势,并提出了其他问题,只有通过持续监测和此处报道的类型的临床研究(SENTRY计划)才能回答。



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