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Lower tropospheric distributions of O3 and aerosol over Raoyang, a rural site in the North China Plain




The North China Plain (NCP) has become one of the most polluted regions inChina, with the rapidly increasing economic growth in the past decades. Highconcentrations of ambient O and aerosol have been observed at urban aswell as rural sites in the NCP. Most of the in situ observations of airpollutants have been conducted near the ground so that current knowledgeabout the vertical distributions of tropospheric O and aerosol over theNCP region is still limited. In this study, vertical profiles of O andsize-resolved aerosol concentrations below 2.5 km were measured insummer 2014 over a rural site in the NCP, using an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) equipped with miniature analyzers. In addition, vertical profiles ofaerosol scattering property in the lower troposphere and vertical profiles ofO below 1 km were also observed at the site using a lidar and tetheredballoon, respectively. The depths of the mixed layer and residual layer weredetermined according to the vertical gradients of lidar particle extinction andaerosol number concentration. Average O and size-resolved aerosolnumber concentration in both the mixed and residual layer were obtained fromthe data observed in seven UAV flights. The results show that during most ofthe flights the O levels above the top of mixed layer were higher thanthose below. Such a positive gradient in the vertical distribution of O makesthe residual layer an important source of O in the mixed layer,particularly during the morning when the top of mixed layer is rapidly elevated.In contrast to O, aerosol number concentration was normally higher inthe mixed layer than in the residual layer, particularly in the early morning.Aerosol particles were overwhelmingly distributed in the sizerange    1 µm, showing slight differences between the mixed andresidual layers. Our measurements confirm that the lower troposphere overthe rural area of the NCP is largely impacted by anthropogenic pollutantslocally emitted or transported from urban areas. Compared with the historicO vertical profiles over Beijing from the Measurement of Ozone andWater Vapor by Airbus In-Service Aircraft (MOZAIC), a strong increase inO can be found at all heights below 2.5 km in the decade from 2004 to2014, with the largest enhancement of about 41.6 ppb. This indicates that thelower troposphere over the northern part of the NCP has experienced rapidlyworsening photochemical pollution. This worsening trend in photochemicalpollution deserves more attention in the future.
机译:华北平原(NCP)已成为中国污染最严重的地区之一,过去几十年来经济增长迅速。在NCP的城市以及农村地区都观察到高浓度的环境O和气溶胶。大多数空气污染物的原位观测都是在地面附近进行的,因此,目前关于NCP区域对流层O和气溶胶垂直分布的知识仍然有限。在这项研究中,使用配备微型分析仪的无人飞行器(UAV)在NCP的一个农村站点于2014年夏季测量了O的垂直剖面和2.5μkm以下的尺寸分辨气溶胶浓度。此外,还分别在现场使用激光雷达和系绳气球观测到了对流层低层气溶胶散射特性的垂直剖面和低于1 km的O的垂直剖面。混合层和残留层的深度根据激光雷达消光的垂直梯度和气溶胶浓度确定。混合层和残余层中的平均O和按尺寸分辨的气溶胶数浓度均从在7次无人机飞行中观察到的数据获得。结果表明,在大多数飞行过程中,混合层顶部上方的O含量高于下方层的O含量。 O的这种垂直分布的正梯度使残留层成为混合层中O的重要来源,尤其是在早晨,当混合层的顶部迅速升高时。与O相比,混合层中的气溶胶数浓度通常更高气溶胶颗粒绝大多数分布在<1 µm的范围内,混合层和残留层之间存在细微的差异。我们的测量结果证实,NCP农村地区的对流层较低受到本地从城市地区排放或运输的人为污染物的很大影响。与空客在役飞机的臭氧和水蒸气测量(MOZAIC)得出的北京历史O垂直剖面相比,在2004年至2014年的十年中,在所有高度低于2.5 km的O上,O都显着增加,最大的增强是约41.6 ppb。这表明,NCP北部的低层对流层经历了迅速恶化的光化学污染。光化学污染的这种恶化趋势在将来值得更多关注。



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