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Long-lived atmospheric trace gases measurements in flask samples from three stations in India




With the rapid growth in population and economic development, emissions ofgreenhouse gases (GHGs) from the Indian subcontinent have sharply increasedduring recent decades. However, evaluation of regional fluxes of GHGs andcharacterization of their spatial and temporal variations by atmosphericinversions remain uncertain due to a sparse regional atmospheric observationnetwork. As a result of an Indo-French collaboration, three new atmosphericstations were established in India at Hanle (HLE), Pondicherry (PON) andPort Blair (PBL), with the objective of monitoring the atmosphericconcentrations of GHGs and other trace gases. Here we present the results ofthe measurements of CO, CH, NO, SF, CO, and Hfrom regular flask sampling at these three stations over the period2007–2011. For each species, annual means, seasonal cycles and gradientsbetween stations were calculated and related to variations in naturalGHG fluxes, anthropogenic emissions, and monsoon circulations.Covariances between species at the synoptic scale were analyzed toinvestigate the likely source(s) of emissions. The flask measurements ofvarious trace gases at the three stations have the potential to constrain theinversions of fluxes over southern and northeastern India. However, thisnetwork of ground stations needs further extension to other parts of Indiato better constrain the GHG budgets at regional and continental scales.


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