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F-region ionospheric perturbations in the low-latitude ionosphere during the geomagnetic storm of 25-27 August 1987




We have presented a comparison between the modeled and, and and which were observed at the equatorial anomaly crestand close to the geomagnetic equator simultaneously by the Akita, Kokubunji,Yamagawa, Okinawa, Manila, Vanimo, and Darwin ionospheric sounders and bythe middle and upper atmosphere (MU) radar (34.85° N, 136.10° E)during the 25-27 August 1987 geomagnetically storm-time period at low solaractivity near 201°, geomagnetic longitude. A comparison between theelectron and ion temperatures measured by the MU radar and those produced bythe model of the ionosphere and plasmasphere is presented. The correctionsof the storm-time zonal electric field, E, from 16:30 UT to21:00 UT on 25 August bring the modeled and measured into reasonableagreement. In both hemispheres, the meridional neutral wind, W, taken fromthe HWW90 wind model and the NRLMSISE-00 neutral temperature, T, anddensities are corrected so that the model results agree with the ionosphericsounders and MU radar observations. The geomagnetic latitude variations in on 26 August differ significantly from those on 25 and 27 August. Theequatorial plasma fountain undergoes significant inhibition on 26 August.This suppression of the equatorial anomaly on 26 August is not due to areduction in the meridional component of the plasma drift perpendicular tothe geomagnetic field direction, but is due to the action of storm-timechanges in neutral winds and densities on the plasma fountain process. Theasymmetry in W determines most of the north-south asymmetry in and on 25 and 27 August between about 01:00-01:30 UT and about 14:00 UT when theequatorial anomaly exists in the ionosphere, while asymmetries in W,T, and neutral densities relative to the geomagnetic equator areresponsible for the north-south asymmetry in and on 26 August. Atheory of the primary mechanisms causing the morning and evening peaks inthe electron temperature, T, is developed. An appearance, magnitudevariations, latitude variations, and a disappearance of the morning Tpeaks during 25-27 August are caused by variations in E,thermospheric composition, T, and W. The magnitude of the eveningT peak and its time location are decreased with the lowering of thegeomagnetic latitude due to the weakening of the effect of the plasma driftcaused by W on the electron density. The difference between 25 August and26-27 August in an appearance, magnitude and latitude variations, and adisappearance of the evening T peak is caused by variations in W, thethermospheric composition, T, and E.
机译:我们介绍了由秋田,国分寺,山川,冲绳,马尼拉,瓦尼莫和达尔文电离层测深仪同时在中高层和上层大气层同时在地磁赤道附近的赤道异常裂缝处观测到的和的比较。 (MU)雷达(34.85°N,136.10°E)在1987年8月25日至27日的地磁风暴期间,太阳活动度低至201°附近,地磁经度。给出了MU雷达测得的电子和离子温度与电离层和等离子层模型产生的电子和离子温度之间的比较。对8月25日UT 16:30至UT 21:00暴风时纬向电场E的校正使模型和测量值达到了合理的一致。在两个半球中,对来自HWW90风模型的子午中性风W和NRLMSISE-00中性温度T和密度进行了校正,以使模型结果与电离层探空仪和MU雷达观测结果一致。 8月26日的地磁纬度变化与8月25日和27日的地磁纬度变化明显不同。赤道等离子喷泉在8月26日受到了明显的抑制.8月26日对赤道异常的抑制不是由于垂直于地磁场方向的等离子漂移的子午分量的减小,而是由于中性区风暴时间变化的作用等离子喷泉过程中的风和密度。当电离层存在赤道异常时,W的不对称性决定了8月25日至27日以及大约在01:00-01:30 UT和14:00 UT之间的大部分南北不对称性,而W,T和相对于地磁赤道的中性密度是造成8月26日及8月26日南北不对称的原因。建立了引起电子温度T的早晚峰值的主要机理的理论。 E,热层组成,T和W的变化引起8月25日至27日凌晨Tpeak的出现,大小变化,纬度变化和消失。 W引起的等离子漂移对电子密度的影响减弱,导致地磁纬度下降。 8月25日至8月26日至27日之间在外观,强度和纬度变化以及T峰的消失方面的差异是由W,热层组成,T和E的变化引起的。



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