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New concepts for the comparison of tropospheric NO2 column densities derived from car-MAX-DOAS observations, OMI satellite observations and the regional model CHIMERE during two MEGAPOLI campaigns in Paris 2009/10




We compare tropospheric column densities (verticallyintegrated concentrations) of NO from three data sets for themetropolitan area of Paris during two extensive measurement campaigns (25 daysin summer 2009 and 29 days in winter 2010) within the European researchproject MEGAPOLI. The selected data sets comprise a regional chemicaltransport model (CHIMERE) as well as two observational data sets: ground-based mobile Multi-AXis-Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy(car-MAX-DOAS) measurements and satellite measurements from the OzoneMonitoring Instrument (OMI). On most days, car-MAX-DOAS measurements werecarried out along large circles (diameter ~ 35 km) aroundParis. The car-MAX-DOAS results are compared to coincident data from CHIMEREand OMI. All three data sets have their specific strengths and weaknesses,especially with respect to their spatiotemporal resolution and coverage aswell as their uncertainties. Thus we compare them in two different ways:first, we simply consider the original data sets. Second, we comparemodified versions making synergistic use of the complementary informationfrom different data sets. For example, profile information from the regionalmodel is used to improve the satellite data, observations of the horizontaltrace gas distribution are used to adjust the respective spatial patterns ofthe model simulations, or the model is used as a transfer tool to bridge thespatial scales between car-MAX-DOAS and satellite observations. Using themodified versions of the data sets, the comparison results substantiallyimprove compared to the original versions. In general, good agreementbetween the data sets is found outside the emission plume, but inside theemission plumes the tropospheric NO vertical column densities (VCDs). are systematicallyunderestimated by the CHIMERE model and the satellite observations (comparedto the car-MAX-DOAS observations). One major result from our study is thatfor satellite validation close to strong emission sources (like power plantsor megacities), detailed information about the intra-pixel heterogeneity isessential. Such information may be gained from simultaneous car-MAX-DOASmeasurements using multiple instruments or by combining (car-) MAX-DOASmeasurements with results from regional model simulations.
机译:我们在欧洲研究项目MEGAPOLI中进行了两次广泛的测量活动(2009年夏季为25天和2010年冬季为29天)期间,比较了巴黎大都市区的三个数据集中NO的对流层柱密度(垂直积分浓度)。选定的数据集包括区域化学运输模型(CHIMERE)以及两个观测数据集:地面移动式多轴差分光吸收光谱仪(car-MAX-DOAS)测量和来自臭氧监测仪(OMI)的卫星测量。在大多数日子里,沿着巴黎周围的大圆圈(直径约35 km)进行car-MAX-DOAS测量。将car-MAX-DOAS结果与CHIMERE和OMI的一致数据进行比较。这三个数据集都有其特定的优势和劣势,尤其是在时空分辨率和覆盖范围以及不确定性方面。因此,我们以两种不同的方式对它们进行比较:首先,我们仅考虑原始数据集。第二,我们比较修改后的版本,以协同使用来自不同数据集的补充信息。例如,来自区域模型的剖面信息用于改善卫星数据,水平痕量气体分布的观测值用于调整模型模拟的相应空间模式,或者该模型用作传递工具以在汽车之间建立空间尺度之间的桥梁。 MAX-DOAS和卫星观测。使用数据集的修改版本,与原始版本相比,比较结果得到了显着改善。通常,在排放羽流之外发现数据集之间的良好一致性,但是在排放羽流内部发现对流层NO垂直列密度(VCD)。 CHIMERE模型和卫星观测值(与car-MAX-DOAS观测值相比)被系统地低估了。我们研究的一项主要结果是,对于靠近强发射源(如电厂或特大城市)的卫星验证,有关像素内异质性的详细信息至关重要。此类信息可以从使用多种仪器的同时进行的汽车MAX-DOAS测量中获得,也可以将(汽车)MAX-DOAS测量与区域模型仿真的结果相结合而获得。



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