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Foot pad health, plumage condition, integument and claw length of Lohmann Silver laying hens kept in small aviary housing systems, furnished cages and an aviary housing system

机译:Lohmann Silver产蛋母鸡的脚垫健康状况,全身羽毛状况,外皮和爪子长度,饲养在小型禽舍系统,带家具的笼子和禽舍系统中



In the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th laying month, foot pad health, plumage condition, integument and claw length wereevaluated in 432 Lohmann Silver laying hens kept in three different housing systems: a small aviary housingsystem (Eurovent 625a-EU, EV) with different perch levels, a furnished cage system (Aviplus, AP) and anaviary (Voliere Natura, AV). Foot health was scored for hyperkeratosis and lesions on a scale from 1 (normal) to5 or 4 (severe). Plumage condition was assessed with scores from 1 (worst) to 4 (best) for different body regions.Integument was assessed for lesions and claw length of the middle toe was measured. Mild foot padhyperkeratosis was the most frequent finding in hens of all housing systems. Sole pad hyperkeratosis was lessfrequent in AP and occurred more often in EV and AV. Significantly more often hyperkeratosis in the regionbetween toe and claw was observed in AP. Toe pad lesions and lesions between toe and claw were scored lowestin AV and highest in AP. An aggravation of plumage in the course of the laying period was observed in all hens.Hens showed a significantly better total plumage condition in AP compared to EV. Within housing system,group size had a significant influence on plumage condition. Plumage was better in smaller groups. Lesions ofthe integument were rarely detected. Claws were significantly shortest in AP, longer in AV and longest in EV.Perch design in EV was not significant for all traits except for comp lesions.
机译:在第3、6、9和12个月的产蛋月,对432头Lohmann Silver产蛋母鸡在三种不同的饲养系统中进行了评估,评估了它们的脚垫健康状况,羽毛状况,外皮和爪的长度:一个小型的禽舍系统(Eurovent 625a-EU,EV)不同的鲈鱼水平,配备笼子的笼式系统(Aviplus,AP)和鸟舍(Voliere Natura,AV)。足部健康的角化过度和病变程度从1(正常)到5或4(严重)评分。评估身体状况,从1分(最差)到4分(最佳)评估全身状况,评估皮被的病变程度并测量中趾的爪长。在所有住房系统的母鸡中,轻度足部角化过度是最常见的发现。足底角化过度在AP中较少见,而在EV和AV中更常发生。在AP中,脚趾和爪之间的区域过度角化明显更为常见。足垫病变和脚趾与爪之间的病变在AV中得分最低,在AP中得分最高。观察到所有母鸡的产蛋过程中羽毛均加重。与电动车相比,母鸡的AP总羽毛状况要好得多。在住房系统内,群体规模对羽毛状况有重要影响。较小群体的全身羽毛更好。皮损很少被发现。爪在AP中最短,在AV中更长,在EV中最长.EV的鲈鱼设计对所有性状(comp病变除外)都不显着。



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