首页> 外文OA文献 >Clinical Cases: Masses, tumors and source of embolism82A case of right atrial diverticulum initially diagnosed in 58 years old female patient83Unusual cardiac mass84A very rare cardiac mass in the right atrium85A rare cause of syncope: intravenous leiomyomatosis with cardiac extension86Left ventricular myxoma- a rare finding87Mediastinal masses and a left atrial tumor: are they related? -the role of multimodal imaging in the diagnosis and the management of the patient

Clinical Cases: Masses, tumors and source of embolism82A case of right atrial diverticulum initially diagnosed in 58 years old female patient83Unusual cardiac mass84A very rare cardiac mass in the right atrium85A rare cause of syncope: intravenous leiomyomatosis with cardiac extension86Left ventricular myxoma- a rare finding87Mediastinal masses and a left atrial tumor: are they related? -the role of multimodal imaging in the diagnosis and the management of the patient

机译:临床病例:肿块,肿瘤和栓塞源82a右心房憩室的病例最初诊断为58岁女性患者83个心脏质谱84a在右心腹膜稀有原因:静脉内肌瘤肌瘤肌瘤肌瘤肌瘤肌瘤,罕见的47media肌瘤和左心房肿瘤:它们是否相关? - 多式联算成像在诊断和患者管理中的作用



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