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Grass–Legume Forage Systems Effect on Phosphorus Removal from a Grassland Historically Irrigated with Reclaimed Wastewater




The utilization of reclaimed wastewater is a suitable and sustainable approach to agriculture production in water-scarce regions. However, even though the wastewater is treated to reduce nutrient concentration such as phosphorus, the 10,600 to 14,006 m3 of water applied ha−1 year−1 on grass and alfalfa hay crops in Nevada can lead to soil phosphorus buildup over an extended period. This study evaluated the effectiveness of forage systems (FS) of monoculture grass, monoculture legume, and their mixtures on herbage accumulation, tissue phosphorus concentration, and quantity of phosphorus removed from a grassland under wastewater irrigation. The study was carried out at the Main Station Field laboratory in Reno, Nevada, USA. A total of 23 FS using tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in monocultures or grass−legume mixtures (25:75, 50:50, and 75:25) based on seeding rate were used. The response variables were herbage accumulation (HA), tissue phosphorus concentration, and phosphorus removal. Forage systems means were considered different P ≤ 0.05. Herbage accumulation, tissue phosphorus concentration, and phosphorus removal differed among FS and year. Herbage accumulation was similar for the grass monocultures (10.5 Mg ha−1; SE = 1.1) and the majority of the grass−legume mixtures (9.0 Mg ha−1; SE = 1.1) but both systems had greater HA than legumes monoculture (4.3 Mg ha−1; SE = 1.1). The legume monocultures of alfalfa and white clover had the greatest phosphorus concentrations (10.9 g kg−1 dry matter; SE = 0.44) among all FS. Total phosphorus removed was least among legume monocultures (34.0 kg P ha−1; SE = 6.2) in this study and generally similar for grass monocultures (67.4 kg P ha−1; SE = 6.2) and grass−legume mixtures of 75:25 (61.7 kg P ha−1; SE = 6.2). Based on the response variables, agronomic, and environmental considerations a grass−legume mixture that includes 75:25 or even a 50:50 seeding rate ratio will be suitable options for phosphorus removal from phosphorus enriched grasslands in semiarid ecosystems that utilized wastewater for irrigation.
机译:再生废水的利用是水资源稀缺地区农业生产的适当和可持续的方法。然而,即使废水被治疗以减少磷的营养浓度,也可以在内华达州的草和苜蓿干草作物上施加10,600至14,006m3的水施加的HA-1 + 1岁,可以在较长时期内导致土壤磷积聚。本研究评估了单栽培草,单栽培豆类的饲料系统(FS)及其混合物对牧草积累,组织磷浓度和从草地下除草的磷量的有效性。该研究在美国内华达州里诺的主站现场实验室进行。共有23个FS使用高级FESCUE(Schedonorus arundinaaceus(Schreb。)Dumort),苜蓿(Medicago Sativa L.),红三叶草(三叶草Pratense L.)和白色三叶草(三叶草(三叶草repens L.)在单一栽培或草豆类混合物中(25:75,50:50和75:25)使用了基于播种率。响应变量是牧草积累(HA),组织磷浓度和磷去除。饲料系统的装置被认为是不同的p≤0.05。牧草积累,组织磷浓度和磷去除差异不同。牧草积累类似于草单一栽培(10.5mg HA-1; SE = 1.1)和大部分草豆类混合物(9.0 mg HA-1; SE = 1.1),但两种系统都比单一种植体更大的HA(4.3 mg ha-1; se = 1.1)。苜蓿和白色三叶草的豆类单录像具有最大的磷浓度(10.9g Kg-1干物质; SE = 0.44)。在本研究中除去的总磷(34.0kg P Ha-1; Se)中,豆类单栽培(34.0 kg p ha-1; se = 6.2),普遍相似的草单一栽培(67.4 kg p ha-1; se = 6.2)和75:25的草豆类混合物(61.7 kg p ha-1; se = 6.2)。基于响应变量,农艺和环境考虑因素,包括75:25甚至50:50播种率比的基层豆科植物混合物将是从利用废水进行灌溉废水的半干旱生态系统中磷去除的磷去除的合适选择。



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